Now that last statement is true sir. The grass is truly greener on the top side. My wife and mother like to go to Branson, but I haven't been in years. Now if they would let me sit in and play at one of those shows, I might go. Next time they get ready to go, I may throw a bag in, and go.
Talk about woods walkin though. I mostly hunt by myself, I am about all that's left of my family around here, other than the wife and my mother. My kids are grown and gone, and have little or no interest in coming back here. I therefore have a habit of going and findin a nice spot, and buildin a very small fire, and heatin up some coffee water. It's amazin what may walk by if you'll just sit still. Critters ain't really afraid of wood smoke, so the small fire don't spook em much. I usually dig a small hole for it, and when done, I just cover it up. No one ever knows I was there, unless they get lucky and find a track. Have been doin it like that all my life.
My main interest is the old ways. From makin fire, to catchin fish. Haven't done much black powder but, I've been thinkin about it. I was raised on lever actions, and wooden bows.
Right now I'm tryin to find the EASIEST wood for the bow drill. I think it's gonna be dead willow for the hearth, and cedar for the drill. We'll see.