Thanks for all the feedback--It led me to one of the "Preferred" FA dealers. Which is a really good way of putting it as speaking to Bass Pro got me nowhere. Though I would have preferred to not special order, I knew there were certain features I wanted. Buying a FA that didn't have the action job was a comfort I didn't want to go without. For me, it's just easier to shoot well with one. Then, there was a few more extras. Though they were cosmetic, I wanted it look a certain way.
So, while waiting for a quote a customer comes in. One of the guys directs him to the cased FA's. At this time I have my 6" 454 holstered and I hear him respond to one of the employees, "Boy, I was looking to pay more like $1,100". Being that they were all new, expectedly they were all around ~$1,800. The same employee says, "They, haven't been that price for about 10 or 15 years". So, then he kind of mutters that he was lookin' for a 6 inch. As he is standing nearby I tell 'em, just come back in a week and he can have this one, gesturing to mine. I can tell he wants to see it, so I hand it to him and, unsurprisingly, his eyes lights up. He clearly wants it. We all talk guns for a few minutes while I wait for Dave LaRue (the shop's FA guy/also apparently a previous FA employee) . During this time I reholster the 454 and a few minutes later the gentleman hands me a business card.
About a minute later, I get the quote and am offered $1,100 in trade for mine. i don't argue about it because I just wanted to get a feel for what the new gun is gonna cost me--whether it be with a trade or not. I tell Dave I will order the gun regardless but need 24 hours to consider the decision. What d'ya know the older gentleman mentioned above follows me out and tells me he over-heard the offer for $1,100. I explain to him I am not sure if I want to even sell it. Loading cartridge after cartridge by hand and often spending lunch hours, not eating but shooting it, has enstilled a fondness that I'm not sure I am ready to part with. He shares stories and offers $1,300.00. I emphasize the nostalgia that's keeping me from making a decision and thank him for his interest.
In hindsight, there was the distinct impression that the employee felt slighted and I felt a little responsible for that. Here's the thing the guy wanted a 6", and wasn't keen on new prices. That's just the facts.
Later in the day I called the shop. I wanted to take a moment to thank them, especially Dave, for assisting. But, I also wanted to apologize for the very unusual circumstances. It seemed pretty to clear the guy who answered was the same guy trying to help the customer. He was clearly a little frustrated that the gestures took place. But, also didn't blame me. Still, I did feel I engaged in bad etiquette.
Tomorrow morning, I will leave a deposit for the FA--and apologize.