if your talking about "no till" as in just flinging some seed out on top of existing vegatation and hopeing for it to sprout and take over, it prob aint gonna work.if your talking about doing it with a actual no till drill it does work better in the spring if your not going to spray first.in the fall, mow and spray first and then go over it with the no till drill.for fall plantings i have the best luk spraying my plots with HONCHO wich is basically a generic roundup type chemical i get for 13 buks a gallon.when the plots are all nice and brown and crispy and dead. ill then hit them with a disk, l;et them lay a couple weeks, hit them agin with the disk, fertilize and plant all the same day and pray for rain.after the dirt is disked i plant with a hand operated cyclone type seeder.spread fertilizer i get cheap at the local co-op and then roll it with a 50$ 4ft cultipacker pulled with a 4 wheeler.the cultipacker really seems to be the key, it pushes the surface broadcast seed down just enuf into the dirt to let it pick up any moisture it can to germinate.it is a lot of work and yu need a tractor but the results are amazeing.