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Where will you go ?
« on: June 04, 2010, 02:47:57 AM »
 OK ! We all seem to have a bag packed , guns selected , ORV packed , know what we will have if we walk etc. etc. But where will we go ? I live half way between the coast and mountians about the middle of the East coast . 100 miles from Norfolk to the East . 100 miles south of Washington D C . There is Radford where they produce military ammo 160 miles south west and on the way you go past where they produce night vision equip. There are many other things also. Next not knowing what is comming or from what direction complates things . With weather you can either get out the way or hunker down and wait it out . Civil unrest may be harder to run from as you may run head long into it running from it. With a nuke the fall out may come with the wind . Having a retreat may not work if it happens to be in the path of bad weather , fallout or bio hazard . Even a forest fire could ruin our plans . Communication will be as important as a weapon in many cases what would be the best plan there ?
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2010, 02:57:53 AM »
What are you talking about? ???
Look a distraction!!!


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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2010, 03:16:08 AM »
In a time of disaster where will you go ? What direction will you head ? Have you planned more than one route ? Have you looked at possible trouble areas in the direction you are taking ? do you have a place you want to get to ? If so what are the chances it will be safe ? And how will you know any of this after an event takes place ? After 9/11 we could not get intouch with my nephew in NY he worked a few blocks from the Twin Towers . The phones were jammed from over use. Some say they were cut off to use in some areas. A simple radio may be your only option . A FRS radio though short range may be nice to have also. If nothing else it may alert you to others in the area. Some say run for the hills . In my case there would be millions in those hills if everyone did so. In a time of attack or civial unrest it might be wise to avoid military bases , concerns or operations .
 OK lets make it easy , you are well covered in the surive department . You just settled down for some news on the tube . It comes on and you hear them break in  a nuke exploded west of you about 300 miles away . Then the tv goes blank. Your cell has no tower and the land line is only a dead line . What will you do ? The wind blows from the bomb site toward where you are . The nuke may be an accident while transporting or some other innocent activity or an attack but the tv died before you found out . what ya going to do ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2010, 03:36:09 AM »
OK I get it now. I think it depends where the nuke or whatever disaster came from if it were south (which it probably will because i'm up in Ohio) I might stay put or even go up into Canada a little bit or if it were south way on the other side of America I wouldn't be too bad staying put. If it were East from me I would go to florida (I got family down there) all depends how far west but I would probably go south again. but it all depends what disaster if tere is a nuke i'm just gonna pack what I need and RUN if there is another terrorist attack like the twin towers I might go away a little bit but not states away. If all SHTF freakin zombies, or a terrorist attack on a huge scale or whatever I am going to buner down in a hunting store I live near ir has barred plexiglass doors, brick walls, loaded with guns and ammo, and is right next to a grocery store for food.
Look a distraction!!!

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2010, 03:55:20 AM »
Here's a letter from a father to his son in college on how to survive a nuclear bomb. I found this on survival blog.

A serious letter to my dear beloved son, Eric,

It is quite possible that the USA will soon experience a terrorist attack in the form of a nuclear detonation. The city just west of the University you are attending would be a high profile, terrorist "trophy" to attack.

If a nuclear detonation by terrorist occurs in that city, you will notice a bright flash of light and, then feel the blast wave a few seconds after. Although the University is somewhat distant and shielded by terrain from that city, train yourself to not look toward the flash and immediately duck behind a solid barrier. Expect glass to be flying from any windows and plug your ears. Once the blast wave passes note the time. Your goal is to be inside a fallout shelter within 40 minutes and with enough supplies to last 2 weeks. This will only be possible if you prepare in advance.

Given that your location is 25 miles east of that big city, and the prevailing winds blow east, lethal levels of radioactive fallout could begin falling on your campus within 50 minutes.

Right after the blast wave hits, a strong wind will start moving back toward ground zero. Depending on the size of the nuke, the reverse wind could be strong enough to knock down trees and people. If you are outside, you need to decide in the short 15 seconds between the blast wave passing and the reverse wind if, you can make it to a temporary safe place. If you are near a building, get in it. If you are in a building already, stay in it. If you are outside get away from tall trees. Wait for about three minutes for the wind to pass, then start for your dorm to get your packs. If it is a small detonation, the wind will be manageable. By this time you will have only 35 minutes left to shelter "Lock Down".

To prepare before an event, pack your back pack with things like long lasting candles, matches, Bic [butane] lighters, flashlight with extra batteries, portable radio, first aid kit, basic medications, toilet paper, water bottles, bucket, washcloth, towel, bar soap, dust masks, gloves, duct tape, some basic tools or a mufti-tool, pry bar, hammer, small trash bags for making a toilet, big trash bags to wear as a fallout suit. As for nutrition, pack instant foods like oatmeal, trail mix, beef jerky, nutri-bars, raisins, nuts, dried fruit, vitamins, etc. You should still have the water filter, hatchet and sharp knife in the back pack from our last camping trip. There is already Potassium Iodate in your respirator kit I gave you. Do not pack more than one change of clothes except, underwear and socks. You will only need to change clothes if they get wet. . Get extra dust masks which will help the others who join you at the last minute. Be sure to include a sleeping bag or some warm bedding and something to read. Prepare to be in the shelter for 2 weeks minimum. Since you will be mostly sedentary, you can eat and drink on a small daily ration. Clean water will be more important than food. You will need to drink at least 2 liters a day.

Pack everything in two large trash bags, one inside the other, and keep them packed. You will not have enough time to pack everything and then get to the shelter within the remaining 35 minute window, so it is important to prepare your packs in advance .

Prepare with a team of other people who are of like mind. Keep your team small and, if an event happens, each team member can bring a few other persons with them to the shelter. Evaluate the capacity of the shelter and supplies to accommodate the final number of people. You can expect that number to grow during an event when people see that you have an effective plan in the process of implementation.

If a detonation occurs, there will not be enough time to try to contact each member of the team or to figure out what happened. If You hear a "boom" and all power goes out, assume it is a detonation and, everyone just shows up at the shelter area with their packs. A small detonation is just as deadly with fallout, even if you do not experience much flash, pressure wave or wind.

Inquire at the University Office about the fallout shelters and how well equipped they are. Do they have any windows and are they high up? How deep is it submerged below ground level and how thick are the walls? Are there toilets? Is there a water tap to a storage tank? Does the University have gravity water pressure from an elevated water tank? Usually the boiler rooms are well built and submerged below ground level. Decide which one your team will meet at and, what each team member will bring to it in the event of a detonation.

I would not rely on the Official Plan of Action from the University Administration Office. Even if they have a plan and, assuming they have considered and planned for this kind of situation, the effect of shock, panic and, lack of regular drills will make it non-effective. Remember lethal fallout could reach your area in less than 50 minutes. It may take them that long just to find out what happened and by then, it will be too late.

Evacuating the University in the event of a terrorist nuke is a big mistake. Most fallout at first is invisible. Latter it is mixed with ash that falls like snow. It is carried by upper winds which are faster than surface winds. Roads will be clogged with traffic, and they who are stuck there will not make it ahead of the fallout. The fallout is eventually going to travel down wind for more than 100 miles. Sooner than you think traffic will start getting heavy, so, traveling fast to a shelter will be the best decision depending on the wind direction.

With a compass, map and looking up at the clouds for a few minutes, you can tell if the wind is blowing from ground zero toward your location. To evacuate the area you would need to travel in a direction at a right angle of the wind direction blowing from ground zero. In your case, since you have large natural barriers north and south of the University, and you will not be able to outrun a fallout cloud going east, you should plan to head for the shelter.

Who has the keys to the shelters? If phones and radios do not work, how will you contact them? If the key cannot be found in time after a detonation, break the lock and get in. You will need the pry bar and hammer. Maybe you can use the selected shelter for a student film project. In that case you can get the keys and covertly make some copies of it for a few members of the group.

What do you think it will be like with several hundred people, most of them sick and dying in one crowded room, with little or no water, no bathroom, not enough air, no ma tresses, no lighting, and no effective leadership or medical care for two weeks? Any of the larger shelters that are easily access able to the greater population will be over crowded, under equipped and, they will probably let everyone in no matter how late and contaminated they are. Living in this condition may not be survivable, so, be somewhere else.

Select the smaller shelter like a boiler room or a more distant building basement and equip it yourselves. These more distant buildings will be less crowded and more manageable for your team. Locate and check the water spigots but, be aware that unless the system is gravity fed from a water tower, the water pressure will be decreasing to zero very quickly. If no water tower or if the tower is damaged from the blast, the water coming out of the tap will only be the amount that is still left in the pipes. If there are water spigots in the shelter area, you can stock up empty water bottles in a big plastic trash bag and fill them immediately upon arriving at the shelter. You should also keep four liters in one of your packs ready to go.

Look for any hot water tanks that supply showers or sinks, they usually have a drain tap at the bottom or on the pipe coming from the bottom of the tank. If you find one of these you will have plenty of drinking water. At first the water from this lower tap may be a rusty color. It is still okay to drink, it is just Iron which, you can let settle to the bottom of the water jug. Avoid using water from hot water heating systems for institutional building radiators or fire sprinkler systems that may contain antifreeze which, is poisonous. These pipes are usually labeled.

If the fallout shelter does not have a water tap, you should consider stocking it in advance with some water jugs. This will lessen the weight of your packs and reduce your tasks within the remaining 35 minute time window. You also do not want to be making more than one trip after a detonation to the shelter if, it is distant from your dorm. If the shelter is close to your dorm, you will be able to make a few trips. Practice now by timing these trips.

You can also establish an alternative location for a shelter. Maybe a basement area that can be barricaded easily. It needs to have at least 14 inches of solid masonry or concrete structure between you and the fallout that will be settling on the flat surfaces outside. Your shelter should be below ground level as much as possible. Radiation is also dampened by distance, especially when there are right angle corners between you and the radiation source outside. The more right angle corners consisting of solid masonry between you and the radiation source, the better. Select alternative shelter areas now, so, it does not have to become a panic decision latter.

You should have a few drills with your group. From the time the group leader calls everyone on the Mobile phone, how long does it take for everyone to go to their dorm, get stuff and go to the shelter?

Make sure group members keep the plan secret. Refer to shelter locations by a code name or letter. Before leaving your dorm for the shelter place a note on your door stating that the group is meeting at location "Alpha" . In this way, only members of your preparation group will know where to show up with the pre selected number of people.

The travel route to your selected shelter should not be a direct route so, people cannot figure out where you are going. If possible, take some detours around barrier objects like buildings and landscaping, keeping in mind the elapsed time since detonation.

For the shelter, if possible establish two separate areas; one primary area for those who show up on time and, a secondary area for those who show up late and who are contaminated. A slightly contaminated person will survive but, be sick. and, the more contaminated person will not live very long. Those who show up late, should not be admitted inside the primary shelter because of contaminating the healthy survivors. A secondary area within the building which is well shielded from the primary area like around the corner of a masonry wall or, a separate room should be used for contaminated people arriving late. If the shelter room is large enough, you can place them at one end of the room. In a boiler room they can be placed on the opposite side of the boiler. Boilers are made of thick, heavy iron and make a good radiation barrier. Consider how you can barricade the primary and secondary shelter entrances after everyone is in.

All backpacks for gear should be sealed in a trash bag for the trip to your shelter. If you get to the shelter late, before entering the primary shelter remove the trash bag cover from your gear which is inside another trash bag, then throw the clean bag with your stuff inside the shelter and discard the outer bag outside. This procedure keeps the inner bag from being contaminated by fallout. Then remove the trash bag covers from your pack and yourself and also discard the bags outside. Wash thoroughly all exposed skin with soap and water.

Be sure to wear the full face respirator I gave you beginning at about the 30 minute mark. You should be at the shelter by then. Wearing it too soon could draw attention from "wrong doers" who might want to take it from you. Remember that desperate people will do desperate things.

Anyone showing up late without wearing protective bags, and contaminated, strips off all outer clothing and cuts off as much of their hair that was exposed as possible. They do this inside the building but outside the primary shelter entrance. Carefully throw the contaminated cloths and dust mask outside. They are to wash down previously exposed skin with soap and water if, water is plentiful and, discard the towel outside. Then they can change into the extra clothes that you brought along in your sealed trash bags.

Once inside everyone should wear a fresh clean dust mask or respirator for at least three days, and after three days when briefly visiting the secondary area. Make a dust masks using cloth and duct tape if necessary. As people show up to the shelter, dispense the potassium iodate; first come, first served. Dosages are on the bottle I gave you in the respirator bag.

All contaminated people should be segregated from each other by some distance and according to their exposure i.e. the lateness of their arrival.. This procedure limits unnecessary exposure to the less contaminated people who are more likely to survive. Slightly contaminated people if, they are still alive in a few hours can wash down thoroughly again and, be integrated into the primary shelter area.

Consider what your fresh air needs will be. Fallout settles down toward the ground so, you can open a window or crack a door open after 48 hours has past, as long as it is not windy. Minimize your exposure to the outside radiation by staying away from windows, exterior doors and thin exterior walls. After two days it is permissible to open some more ventilation. The further away from the opening you are, the better. If the shelter is small or crowded, do not use candles for the first two days unless you can establish filtered ventilation. Using candles in enclosed spaces uses up your oxygen along with normal breathing so, you will need to consider this in balancing your ventilation needs with exposure to the fallout outside. It is better to suffer for 48 hours and wait than to risk unnecessary exposure.

The best situation apart from filtered ventilation, is a fallout shelter entrance which is located within a larger building like a gym or an auditorium. The larger building space acts as a secondary area outside the primary shelter and allows the fallout to settle far away from the shelter entrance. This makes it possible to open the shelter door for ventilation if the building glass remained intact during the blast wave. Many school gyms and auditoriums do not even have glass windows so check for this when selecting your shelter.

After two weeks you can carefully venture out beyond the shelter to set up an S.O.S. message for the military who will be looking for survivors. Before going outside, place plastic bags on your feet and tape securely with the duct tape. Use curtains or white sheets to spell out S.O.S. on the ground large enough to be seen from the air. Secure them from the wind with rocks or wood stakes you make with the hatchet. Make a white flag using a sheet and hang another white sheet out of an upper window facing the approaching road. Listen for rescue trucks or helicopters. Remember that a distress signal is to wave only one arm or a single white flag. Limit your exposure outside to only short and necessary visits. Remove the bags from your feet before reentering the shelter. Be careful not to respond to just anyone, make sure they are government rescue.

If a helicopter lands do not run out to meet it. The prop wash will be kicking up a lot of dust with some fallout into the air. Signal them from inside the building and let them come to you. Once rescued, you will be taken thru decontamination, given a physical and given new clothes to wear. The rescue unit will probably not allow you to bring your packs so, take anything valuable out with you in your pockets.

After all these years of camping and discussing survival scenarios with you and your brother, I've tried to prepare you the best way I know how. Now that you're both adults, living independently, I hope some of it stuck.

You may not need to use any of this information and I hope it never becomes necessary but, it is better to be prepared now. You will not have time to prepare after an event if, it happens. You will only have time to act quickly. If it is never needed, you will all have learned and practiced survival skills that very few people in this world know.

The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2010, 05:48:08 AM »
That was interesting , thank you
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2010, 07:40:35 AM »
I think were you live depicts most of the planning. I live in a rural place with 50 some people in the town, next town is 5 miles and about a thousand. The next is about 13 more miles and 15,000, it is the county seat. Big large area, not many people.

I live a frugal lifestyle with a farm that has the ability to sustain itself, given a severe drought does not come. Plenty of little food patches and fruit, plus a wide spaced garden from saved seeds and only rainfall. Animals are free range and hustle for themselves. Watering system for them is a series of trenches off of a fast moving creek.

My plan is to hopefully defend my homestead. So if not at home the BOB is to keep me alive long enough to make it back. My place can easily support my family without the animals. The little plots just look like weed piles. So most would not assume any different. In the south the flora is pretty lush, a whole lot of wild edibles to boot. If unable to live at home there is 35 miles north of me of just woods until next town. That being gone and unable to stay at home, not much of a plan. Most likely would become a scoundral to keep my family alive.


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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2010, 07:51:24 AM »
Good plan if you don't get visiters in droves . I don't know of many places with in 100 miles of the east coast where you would not be over run with people if they took to the country from the cities.
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2010, 08:00:28 AM »
Yes sir, I figure that is the biggest threat. City folks usually can't provide for themselves. Most likely will go to the rural areas or lakes and ocean to steal, hunt  or catch food. They probably wont make it long until they starve, freeze, kill each other or die of thirst. I figure the animals will be gone quick like in the depression. So know how is more important than what you have.


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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2010, 08:12:36 AM »
to a point , but if a mob comes it will be hard to defend aginst. Short of a belt fed weapon it would be hard to keep in front of um.
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2010, 09:05:54 AM »
 I meant know how of surviving off the land. Very true. Defending from a few would be extremely dangerous. Defending from many would be a last stand. My plan is to be where others aren't. If that is not possible. The only thing I know is to be more aggressive than they are. A pity, but that is the nature of things often.

In the old west a gunslinger may have come into town and bullied the people around to get a free ride. This would work for awhile until someone he bullied snuck up on him with buckshot, or the town banded together and finally got some gumption. In my mind the hit and run style of the confederate raiders would be a risky but potentially profitable strategy. Slip in steal what you can and if overwhelming resistance is met high tail it out. They had a pretty good survival rate and often would not be detected.

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2010, 10:57:37 AM »
Haveing to leave home, my first objective would be to get west of the Mississippi River but getting to those crossings and makeing most all of them would be risky. Demographics here and at almost all of the river crossings are politically unfavorable. Might come to a ferry boat ride.
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“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.” – Ron Paul, End the Fed
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2010, 11:01:25 AM »
East of the Mississippi there is really not as much space to hide as one would think.
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2010, 11:24:45 AM »
East of the river there are places with good ballance but the overall density makes it not so favorable. Problem with West Of the River is that so much of it was known as The Great American Desert before the realestate people got thier hands on it. That went right along with all the Gold Rushes.
Oath Keepers: start local
“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.” – Ron Paul, End the Fed
An economic crash like the one of the 1920s is the only thing that will get the US off of the road to Socialism that we are on and give our children a chance at a future with freedom and possibility of economic success.
everyone hears but very few see. (I can't see either, I'm not on the corporate board making rules that sound exactly the opposite of what they mean, plus loopholes) ear
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2010, 11:30:49 AM »
East of the Mississippi there is really not as much space to hide as one would think.

Lots of space in the Smokies and national forests, some Cherokees have been hid out there since the Trail of Tears.  ;)
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2010, 11:31:27 AM »
East of the Mississippi there is really not as much space to hide as one would think.

And like someone already mentioned, getting across the Big Muddy will be really hard to do as there's just not many places to cross without being detected unless you can swim mighty good!
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2010, 11:46:30 AM »
True , I live over 12 hours drive from it just hoofing thru. the big hills would be a pain.
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2010, 12:14:47 PM »
The Smokie Mountains and the Cherokees. Unless they invite me I will not mess with the Cherokees. They were the fightingest fiercest band of Indians in the nation. The area of the country that they held proves it. The Smokie Mountain area is the absolute best region of this whole country for climate rainfall and year round living comfort. The Cherokee wouldn't make treaties with thier neighbors because if they did they wouldn't have anyone to fight. If they don't want me around I will graciously leave.
Oath Keepers: start local
“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.” – Ron Paul, End the Fed
An economic crash like the one of the 1920s is the only thing that will get the US off of the road to Socialism that we are on and give our children a chance at a future with freedom and possibility of economic success.
everyone hears but very few see. (I can't see either, I'm not on the corporate board making rules that sound exactly the opposite of what they mean, plus loopholes) ear
"I have seen the enemy and I think it's us." POGO
St Judes Childrens Research Hospital

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2010, 02:00:16 PM »
The Smokie Mountains and the Cherokees. Unless they invite me I will not mess with the Cherokees. They were the fightingest fiercest band of Indians in the nation. The area of the country that they held proves it. The Smokie Mountain area is the absolute best region of this whole country for climate rainfall and year round living comfort. The Cherokee wouldn't make treaties with thier neighbors because if they did they wouldn't have anyone to fight. If they don't want me around I will graciously leave.

They were always nice to me, but of course I have Cherokee ancestry along with the Irish part. My suggestion on a bug out place would be to locate about 2 to 4 different areas that you could utilize. The national forests has a lot of land that you can move around a lot and not see many people. I think that the city dwellers if they ventured in there, they would stay close to the roads. And bugging out, I would stay away from the Interstates as they will be crowed as everyone will head straight there if something happened in the big cities. Learn your area and travel the back roads so you will know ahead of time which one goes where with no dead ends. The smaller roads would in my opinion be the best choices for travel if the SHTF! Then if you see any suspicious activity, you could sidle off the road into a wooded area an wait it out for a while.
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2010, 02:07:12 PM »
I'm not going anywhere. I'll make my stand here. Should it get that bad I figure the boys will also come here and together we'll stand as long as we can. Neither me or the wife are up to foot travel very far and there ain't gonna be anywhere to drive to that you could have a realistic expectation of reaching anyway.

I'm assuming total break down of society for whatever reason not just a local or regional thing but in that too I'd sit it out here. The real difference is that in local or regional tragedy help will be coming sooner or later. In a total breakdown what comes ain't gonna be help.

I might fall but don't figure to go alone in that regard. Since I can't run or even walk very far staying and fighting is about the only realistic option. I don't figure that many of the roving gangs will be all that well armed and also figure it won't take long to reduce the population by 50% to 75%. Of those left some will be like me just trying to get by with what we have and the rest then will likely have found weapons but might be running low on ammo.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2010, 04:56:43 PM »
Graybeard I am of like mind with you. Too blasted old and dependant on medication to try to run off and hide. So I will stay put and fight if I have to at least till the meds run out.

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2010, 05:10:06 AM »
I'm not going anywhere. I'll make my stand here.


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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2010, 05:38:47 AM »
With a nuke the fall out may come with the wind . Having a retreat may not work if it happens to be in the path of bad weather , fallout or bio hazard.

Making a stand at home as the first post mentioned, I would presume that you had a place in mind or already in place in advance to hold up for several days until the radioactive fallout was stable enough to venture back outside. I have a post up above that tells what you need, how to have it prepared, what is necessary to withstand a radioactive fallout and how fast it would be to your area if a nuke happened in a large city near you.
The Mountain
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2010, 11:23:48 AM »
It might not involve a fight with others . It may be with nature or such.
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2010, 12:59:07 PM »
Shootall, great thought provoking question. Probably most folks, even those with a preparedness mindset, do not have the luxury of a well positioned, supplied and defensible home. I realize some do, good on ya' - mind if we drop in :)

Hawaii is holding onto civility by a thread. If its a major typhoon/hurricane, I predict we'll see better cooperation as long as help is coming from the mainland. If the mainland falls apart, it'll revert to tribal pretty quick. Barring fire or flood over 10 feet, we can (as of this moment) reasonably hole up in base housing on a peninsula in Pearl Harbor for 2 months with no utilities or resupply, maybe 3 if we patrol out to forage & hunt. From my house we could probably swim/kayak (ain't going out through town) over to Ford Island and hole up with friends a bit longer, but we'd probably grab a sailboat and head away from the crowds to a less populated island or maybe over to the windward side and hole up with friends on the Marine Base where we're bound to have greater success being part of an armed and ready community. If no boat, I'm a distance runner, my wife did a marathon with me this year, and my son (our last at home) is a runner (sailor, shooter) ... on our runs we've scouted out defensible positions we could move to if we had to, like industrial complexes, etc. Places where folks are probably not going to show up to work, and there's nothing to loot. I think sometimes our church might be a good place too, but its uphill from the tourist area downtown so I can imagine it'll be overwhelmed by folks leaving the city.

We're a long ways away from home in southern Arizona where my inlaws have a ranch in a remote valley down by the border with well water, bioefficient housing, thick walls, dirt roads and the hunting is good. Although I worry they may be overran from the south (less than a mile to Mexico) depending on how it all falls apart ... they're anti-gun.
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2010, 01:20:15 PM »
Anywhere one might go there will likely be others.  I've wandered through many a national forest, but I've never been anywhere, even the deep woods that there were not recent signs of man.  I might go to my brother's house, as it is more rural, and more defendable, but I likely would not go far.  We all have to die, perhaps it would be enough to choose the place.  Besides, who could one trust in a total breakdown?
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2010, 02:09:04 PM »
Home would be the first destination. I would hole up and organize a suitable response.
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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2010, 03:09:07 PM »
ill be staying right here on the farm. my family is all around, they as i, are all well armed and alert.when faced with a force to great to oppose, i can retreat to the woods i grew up in 50 yrds from my back door.there will be many casulties, ill jus work to make sure im not one of them. lets hope it doesnt come to that!common sense says that avoiding conflict will be the best way to survive.however thats not always what i do.

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2010, 07:27:08 PM »
When the collapse occurs and I do believe it is WHEN not IF it occurs I see it playing out something like this.

The illegals who are already here and are arming themselves will begin a revolution to retake what they see as lands stolen from Mexico but won't stop there. Mexico or Mexicans will pour over the border like a river to join them. I think the southwest to include TX, OK, NM, AZ, CA, UT, NV, CO and perhaps on further north will be hard pressed to defend against the numbers coming at them.

I can imagine Russia deciding to retake Alaska and then head south and perhaps east thru Canada as well. China is not gonna sit back and let all this go down and leave them out so they will be here as well and fighting for their share. It likely would be easier for them to hit the west coast but I figure Mexico and Russia are both gonna be well represented there so with China's sea power and air power they likely would come after us from the east instead.

I see some states pulling out of the union and whatever federal government is left will be busy fighting them and not able to do much of anything to fend off the foreign invaders. So a decision will have to be made by whomever is still in control in DC to fight the foreigners or US states and citizens wanting to pull out. It will be total chaos.

Stores barely have a week's worth of supplies on hand these days what with just in time inventory methods and when the trucks and trains stop so do all food supplies and fuel supplies. Mass panic will ensue in the cities of all sizes but more so in the larger ones where folks have lived for generations having no real contact with the earth and no clue how to survive without the fast food restaurants and grocery stores.

Within two weeks millions will be dead and I'd not be surprised if it's tens of millions. Within a month the population of US citizens will be cut in half or worse. The even worse thing is the illegals will be pouring in at a rate of millions and they will find little means of support and so gang violence will be rampant.

Six months in most will be dead. It will be interesting to see how the country is split between China, Russia and Mexico. Mexico might be a glowing green glass pit as they don't have nukes and Russia and China do and wouldn't be reluctant to use them I think. When the invasion of those three and who knows perhaps others as well gets serious if there is still someone in charge and the nukes are still online I'd not be surprised to see our nuclear arsenal put into use.

The result of that would be a mass extinction event world wide with no one a real winner. It could easily result in 75% to 80% of the world's population being dead inside six months. That is after all in my opinion the real ultimate goal of the NWO. Those folks pulling the strings of NWO have their safe under ground bunkers already stocked for a few years stay and when they figure it's safe to come back out they will and they will have all the power and darn few that weren't in their employ and taken under ground as well will be dead or so diseased as to be as good as dead.

Now what exactly will be the trigger for all that? I dunno but to my way of thinking the federal government is doing everything it can to rush it along because they are run by the cabal who are ushering in the NWO. It might be the illegals will begin a shooting war with US Citizens before the government plan is in place tho they are an integral part of the NWO plan. It might be blacks and whites will go at it first or both might partner together to fight off the illegals I can see either scenario playing out but eventually the illegals will be heavily involved in a shooting war on US soil.

Mexico will be so emboldened by what's happening now and then I believe they will throw everything they have at retaking the parts of the US they feel were stolen from them. They are so intertwined into our society at that part of the country and elsewhere I fear US citizens will not be able to hold them off. We'll try and we'll take a lot of them out. If anything I see DC helping them not us.

As soon as Russia and China see the federal government over whelmed with it all they will rush in to fill the vacuum. It ain't gonna be pretty and most likely will result in WWIII by the time it ends.

Hopefully at some point along the way Jesus will make his return visit and this whole silly mess we've gotten ourselves into will end and better times will be ahead for some and REALLY BAD times for the rest.

Hey what do I know I'm just an old fart that's ready for Jesus' return. I'm not a psychic and never even played one on TV but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Re: Where will you go ?
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2010, 02:56:48 AM »
I think there are more good Americans than they would want to take on.
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