Author Topic: Dogs out of control  (Read 1840 times)

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Offline ipyrek

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Dogs out of control
« on: June 06, 2010, 02:44:41 PM »
Here in the Thumb area of Michigan we don't have to wory about wolves, a big problem though is dogs that people let go wild or just get away from them. Just the other day a couple of pitbulls got loose and killed 20 sheep at a nearby farm. What should we do about these dogs ? The law says we can't shoot them if they are just running free. But I think that is the best thing we could do to protect our livestock or more importent our children.
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Offline petemi

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 07:31:35 AM »
The answer is shoot, shovel and shut-up.

Forty five years ago in rural Florida, a neighbor had a dog that went up and down the road every trash morning tipping over cans.  I went to him and asked if he'd keep the dog in on garbage morning.  He got arrogant with me and I left.  The next trash day there the dog was tipping over my garbage can.  I took half his head off with a .30-30 and put the body on top of his garbage can.  I never heard a word about it.

Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
The growing Handi/Sportster/Pardner/Topper Family:  .22 WMR, .22-250. 223, Two Superlight 7mm-08s and one .243, .30-30,  .308, 32-20, 18 inch .356/.358 Win., Two 16.5 inch .357 Max., 18 inch 38-55 BC Carbine, 16.5 inch .445 Super Mag., .45LC, 16.5 and 22 inch .45-70s, .50 Huntsman SS, .410, 20 ga., 12 ga., 20 ga. Pardner Pump, Versa-Pack .410 - .22
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Offline Bigeasy

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 07:43:28 AM »
The answer is shoot, shovel and shut-up.

Forty five years ago in rural Florida, a neighbor had a dog that went up and down the road every trash morning tipping over cans.  I went to him and asked if he'd keep the dog in on garbage morning.  He got arrogant with me and I left.  The next trash day there the dog was tipping over my garbage can.  I took half his head off with a .30-30 and put the body on top of his garbage can.  I never heard a word about it.


I'm impressed.. ::)
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Offline hunt-m-up

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 10:37:08 AM »
If you are concerned for your family or property it seems appropriate to eliminate them.
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Offline Graybeard

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 11:28:07 AM »
As stated the answer is short and simple. SSS

Once back in the late '80s I guess it was or perhaps very early '90s I was hunting on private land owned by a friend of mine. I was very slowly easing along an old logging road hoping a deer would show itself to me as the area had a large deer population. My pace was at most 100 yards per hour or less maybe.

For some reason I happened to look back over my shoulder at my back trail. I don't recall if it was just to see if a deer had come in behind or if I had some premonition but at any rate what I saw was sure not what I had hoped to see.

Three wild running feral dogs were on my trail and they were not looking to be petted. I was being deliberately stalked no different than the deer were being stalked by them. When they realized I had spotted them they broke into a full run AT me not away. I whirled and brought the rifle to bear on them and that sure changed their attitude in a hurry. They ran off into the thick woods and I didn't see them again that day. I did later get a buck that came up out of the hollow to my right and I doubt I'd gone another 50 yards from where I was standing when I saw the dogs to get it.

Later that same season I was way back up on the mountain above there where his 100 acres on the top started when I heard rapid running four legged animals. They weren't barking but sure were chasing something. It was the same three dogs. I dropped the first one and as it rolled down the ridge the others followed it and I took each in turn. To my amazement the smallest of the three was easily 60+ pounds and the big boy well over 100 pounds. There was no shoveling that day as I was miles from the nearest house other than my friend's and he sure wasn't gonna say anything about me shooting them.

That wasn't the first nor last time I've had wild roaming dogs try to attack me in the woods around here. There are a lot of dogs roaming free and wild and they make a living killing their food. Don't ever think that you aren't on the menu as a pack of wild dogs have no fear of man and look on you no differently than a deer and if you aren't armed and prepared to defend yourself they might as well be wolves or cougar as the danger is the same.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2010, 03:24:54 PM »
the trick is just to kill them when yu are alone, with nobody nearby. cut the collars off if they have any, so no liberal puke will call the owners. then just say nuttin and forgit about it.

Offline joe 1951

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2010, 04:01:56 PM »
Short answer Shoot,Shovel and shutup  :)

Offline Ron 1

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 04:52:21 PM »
We've, to date, had 18 law enforcement officers to our house. State, county and animal control.

People behind us HAD 10 dogs they let run free. Killed over $200 worth of chickens, and unless we had proof, photos or video of them DOING damage, about to do damage, or we think they are a threat, cops said SSS.

"carry a bigger gun" while your 4 kids and 6 neighbor kids are in the yard, said the one lady A.C. officer.

They were ticketed 12 times, 6 ea. owner, fines, court, warrants... it's all bologna.

Talking with them was pointless they didn't care. We went the SOS... shoot on site.

They keep going out and getting more dogs.

Be right back gotta reload....

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Offline Dee

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2010, 05:05:18 PM »
I tried callin on a pit bull running loose in my area. I called twice, and a neighbor called once. All it caused was a bunch of hell. The owner even called the police on me, and told them I was intimidating him with a rifle. What Ihad actually done was get out of my Jeep and walk in the house carrying a rifle as I had been out hunting.
A few weeks later, another dog came to my house causing problems. I shot the dog, end of story, not problems.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2010, 03:00:30 AM »
if you dont have pets yourself to worry about tuna mixed with antifreeze works well.
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Offline nodlenor

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2010, 03:46:57 AM »
I don't know about MIchigan but here in Missouri we have the right to protect our property. If someones dog comes calling and kills sheep or threatens one of my family he is dead. I've thought for a long time that one should keep their animals under control at all times if that means tying them or penning them then so be it, but if they are running loose then the owner is responsible for what they do.
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Offline Jane308

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2010, 04:53:22 AM »
Yes, the MI law states that if an animal comes onto your property to threaten livestock, intimidate you or make you feel unsafe then blast away.

The county won't do anything about these people, the prosecutor will not pressed charges, so Ron and I will keep shooting, but i want it documented, maybe if I complain enough the ANIMAL CONTROL will do their dang job.

One county away, Allegan, you call one time, the dog is picked up. No ifs, No buts, no coconuts.

They did take away one for us, their live trap didn't work with the canned dog food in it. But our foot hold by the chicken barn did. It almost took off the ladies arm, snapping at everyone.

I told all our neighbors, If you love your pets, KEEP THEM HOME!
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Offline petemi

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2010, 10:37:29 AM »
Jane, I've had dogs all my life; at times 5 or 7.  My dogs, in about 60 years, have never been on a property they didn't have permission to be on.  I agree wholeheartedly, it is the owner's responsibility to contain his dogs.  Dogs that roam free are called "Targets",

Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
The growing Handi/Sportster/Pardner/Topper Family:  .22 WMR, .22-250. 223, Two Superlight 7mm-08s and one .243, .30-30,  .308, 32-20, 18 inch .356/.358 Win., Two 16.5 inch .357 Max., 18 inch 38-55 BC Carbine, 16.5 inch .445 Super Mag., .45LC, 16.5 and 22 inch .45-70s, .50 Huntsman SS, .410, 20 ga., 12 ga., 20 ga. Pardner Pump, Versa-Pack .410 - .22
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Offline bikerbeans

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2010, 07:29:44 AM »
I prefer a crossbow, neighbors don't hear a "bang" and a 3 bladed 100 grain broadhead immediately takes the fire out of a feral dog.  Always have my carry pistol with me in case there is more than one.
RIP Tom: Tom Nolan, ( bikerbeans) passed away this afternoon (02-04-2021).

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Wife's Handis;  300 BLKOUT

MINE:  270W, 308x444, 44 Bodeen, 410 shorty rifled slug gun, 445 SuperMag Shikari, 45 ACP shorty,  45-70 Shikari, 45 Cal Smokeless MZ, 50cal 24" SS Sidekick, 50 cal 24" Huntsman, 50 cal 26" Huntsman, 50 cal 26" Sidekick, 50-70 Govt Shikari, Tracker II 20 ga shorty, 20 ga VR Pardner, 20ga USH, 12ga VR NWTF, 12ga Tracker II shorty WITHOUT scope, 12ga USH, 10 ga  Pardner Smoothbore slug gun & 24ga Profino Custom rifled slug gun.

Offline ihookem

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2010, 02:41:22 PM »
Ya know, I have some real nice neighbors down the road that let their dog run all the time, even in winter. After a week long cold snap we were going to have a warm night. No better time than now to put out some old chicken bones to trap that old skunk by the wood pile. I was sure the the dog would come by and test a skunk in a trap. They are a real nice young couple but know not to let dogs run, they just never knew why, but they're about to find out. They found out why when they opened the door to let the dog in the house the  next morning.

Offline Jane308

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2010, 05:51:10 PM »
Sweet Victory!
I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it.   - Clint Eastwood

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2010, 10:48:57 PM »
When I had my english mastiff, the neb. bizzy body complained my dog barked at her when she walked down the street. Dog was behind a 6 foot chain link fence and cemented in at the bottom. My only comment to her was "What did you want the dog to do--MEOW at you."  ::)  Never heard another word out of her after that.

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2010, 07:42:32 AM »
I just got a new bagel....oH, I'm sorry, the word is Beagle.  We picked up Marley at the Soo Humane about a week or two ago.  Last night, we got home late and I let him and his big brother out, Doner's pit bull, boxer and great dane.  The little guy was gone in a heartbeat.  I heard him baying out back on my place for about 20 minutes and would not return.  Finally, it was quiet, and I knew he was dead....wolves or coyotes.  When I had given up hope and turned to go back in the house, the little SOB was right there at the door.  I didn't know whether to choose mad or glad.....I chose glad.

Keep both eyes open and make the first shot good.
The growing Handi/Sportster/Pardner/Topper Family:  .22 WMR, .22-250. 223, Two Superlight 7mm-08s and one .243, .30-30,  .308, 32-20, 18 inch .356/.358 Win., Two 16.5 inch .357 Max., 18 inch 38-55 BC Carbine, 16.5 inch .445 Super Mag., .45LC, 16.5 and 22 inch .45-70s, .50 Huntsman SS, .410, 20 ga., 12 ga., 20 ga. Pardner Pump, Versa-Pack .410 - .22
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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2010, 07:49:36 AM »
I prefer a crossbow, neighbors don't hear a "bang" and a 3 bladed 100 grain broadhead immediately takes the fire out of a feral dog.  Always have my carry pistol with me in case there is more than one.
A cat went home around here that had been shot with a bow cause a big stink.
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Offline tacklebury

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2010, 03:51:53 PM »
Few years back, we had company up for Christmas and I was all dressed up in suit with dress shoes (leather bottoms) and as we got ready to leave, I saw a pack of dogs I'd been watching killing a cat and her young kittens.  It just made me so mad I didn't even think and ran out with a 2x4 and beat the one's I could reach.  Then saw the leader loping off with the mama still dangling in his mouth ALIVE!  I made an all time record throw with that 3' 2x4 and hit him square in the back of the head at about 20 yards.  He dropped the mama and they all ran off kiyiing.  We saved mama cat (I have no real love for feral cats, but I'm above letting one die for no reason) and one kitten.  We ended up keeping that kitten since he wasn't feral yet and had him until April of this year when we had to have him put down from eating lilly bulbs after 12 years.  Needless to say though, my daughter was 2 at this point and I said enough's enough.  Next morning, I loaded up the .22 and as they made their rounds I watched as they came out from behind the barn and took each one from the back to the front.  Every one had at least 1 shot in him and the big leader had about 10.  Needless to say, they never came back.  ;)
Tacklebury --}>>>>>    Multi-Barrel: .223 Superlite, 7mm-08 22", .30-40 Krag M158, .357 Maximum 16-1/4 HB, .45 Colt, .45-70 22" irons, 32" .45-70 Peeps, 12 Ga. 3-1/2 w/ Chokes, .410 Smooth slugger, .45 Cal Muzzy, .50 Cal Muzzy, .58 Cal Muzzy

also classics: M903 9-shot Target .22 Revolver, 1926 .410 Single, 1915 38 S&W Break top Revolver and 7-shot H&R Trapper .22 6" bbl.

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Re: Dogs out of control
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2010, 04:59:49 PM »
I'd say from reading this topic and all the follow-up posts, that the GBO faithful like their guns and are not afraid to use them!  ;D  That includes me, of course, and as a fellow Michigander, I would follow the SSS rule as we do for dogs, coons, or anything else that is threatening to life or property.