Abigail. She was dropped off in the road in front of the house about 13 years ago. I was on my way to work, picked her up and put her in with the rest of the beagles. When I got home, I picked up this 10-12 week old pup and she was covered with fleas. I deloused everything and end of problem.
Abigail turned out to be my very best hunter, ever. She was obviously part beagle or other hound and God only knows what. She was a large dog, long haired with Beagle markings. She'd run bunnies and nothing else. Mid February, minus 10, she'd break thru the ice on a small stream or puddle and lay down in it and drink. When the other dogs were warm in their kennel, I'd call for Abigail and she'd burst up out of a snow drift outside.
It looks as if she just went outside and went to sleep.
I'm going to miss the Lady.