I used to have propane delivered to the two 100# tanks that I had, it worked out well years ago when they switched the tanks when you called for a fill, but then they started delivering with the tankers, and make a delivery( top em off) whenever they were in the area. This was fine for a while until that smelly stuff started building up in the tank, because of being heavier than the gas it setteled to the bottom of the tanks, it got to the point that you didn't even want to turn the stove on to cook a meal, it smelled so bad, I called the company and they said there wasn't anything they could do about it, I said there was and told them to come and take their tanks away. after that I went to those smaller 20# tanks, its a pain but no more smell, and I just take them to get filled when I get a couple of empty ones, that works for me. you can go up to 40# tanks if you can handel them.....................................steg