William gave you some "straight talk". God doesn't relate to the nations as we often do, in a land-bound, geographical setting. Although he did promise Israel a specific area he doesn't always mean such in all arrangements. God promised both Isaac (the legitimate son) and Ishmael (the illegitimate one) that they would sire great nations..speaking in numbers.
Surely, you can find areas where some, calling themselves Christians have done stupid acts, horiffic crimes, warped the pure faith and made all kinds of mistakes. Just keep in mind, whether a huge criminal or minor one..they can call themselves a Democrat, Republican, believer, unbeliever, vegetarian, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim or follower of Zoroaster..they may think of themselves as they wish, doesn't mean they are right or following the precepts.
We have a book, the Bible, which sets God's standard. For Christians, the New Covenant is our standard. when a Christian departs from that standard, he/she is departing that far, from their faith..others should not follow them there. That is why familiarity with the Bible is imperative ! There is only ONE CHURCH, the one established by Jesus..denominations are "man made" things and have brought in many mistakes due to heirarchies wanting to assert their "authority"..a big mistake..IMO. Jesus washed feet to demonstrate that there should be none dominating others in HIS church..some denominations can, and do..get off course.
You seem to think some "churches" place scare tactic rules in place to scare people into line. Heirarchies, or cult leaders do that !
Jesus Himself said.."You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free". Knowing Jesus as lord and Savior does indeed set one free; free to live a decent life, pursue honesty, find happiness and many other things. Jesus established just one made denominations. A building, organization or iompressive edifices are not "the church". The church lives in the hearts of those who truly love and follow Christ.
Beerbelly, your heart may well not be made of stone, but your hide could be hard and crusty from some abuses done to you or those you love. Just as you don't refuse the real currency even after having been stuck with a counterfiet $20..the real Jesus is still ready to forgive and welcome home.