I believe a flash light is ,is not regulated by itself . So far after searching have found no mention about the Discriminator /Designators .
Finestine tried to ban them about a year ago ,but the bill never got off the ground. Her reasoning was what had happened to the Riot Police in the country's of Greece and Iceland .
Ill leave it at that ,a cop buddy of mine when i asked him about that ,went ballistic over the very thought of it happening here .
Besides ,a lot of people are interested in a set up like this as a bug out defence , and our own military has looked into the cross bow because of its silence and lethality.
Dont believe for one minute that Obamgo isn't looking real close at the compound Bow guys. Silent,accurate , and as deadly as a 30/06 rifle.
New laws are coming soon about how a proper broad head should be constructed , a three inch gobbler can leave a very nasty mess.
Look at the new Mathews and the Hoyt line ups , they are starting to use the self defence words now . Heretofore a thing no Bow manufacturer would have ever uttered.
Lets not pull each others pants legs here ,we who own a compound Bow know exactly what that Bow is capable of doing. And standard Kevlar is no defence against a broad head.
80 to 120 pound pulls and higher ! That isn't an arrow ,thats a ballistic missile in the wrong hands . Switchback Bows are what felled the Roman Empire from horseback. Two things strike fear into the hearts of those who will possibly be on the front line one day.
That is the 45/70 cartridge ,and the Broadhead. The American Hunter /Patriot ,has always been a very resourceful little SOB.
But on the other hand, a red dot is soon not going to be regulated ,because it is only a kin to the peep sight.
Its the Lasers that they are forming a defiance against ,especially the Designator ,for a kinder ,gentiler term now being used.
Instead of being called a Discriminator as they first were ,the problem with them as the left see's it is .
They can blind the intended game on contact ,making them worse than spot lighting . Plus they are a sighting tool all at the same time.
When they won in court saying they were a different form of night vision , they won on the merits that it was a night sighting device .
They resemble a common flash light .But take your sight into your own hands if you look into the end thinking its a mag light.
Even the smaller NC-3 ,will produce heat slightly ,when shined on the palm of your hand. The heat isn't what damages the rods and cones.
Its the light spectrum a Laser uses that damages ,it is a Radiation like all light is ,only much more concentrated .
This gives way to users complaining about having a headache after using one of these for a long period of time ,and not even looking into the end cap. Distanceing themselves from the firearms market place , for obvious reasons.
The compound Bow slipped under the wire here ,and is a far more suited for this device. In fact it was found the two go hand in hand.
The shorter range's being involved ,and the precise sighting of a Bow had made huge advances during the 1990s.
Imagine still ,placing a small green dot on a target without so much as having to aim. Incorporate a range compensator which you see they have now . You get the picture now real fast ,add to that a common RUV filter ,and the game will not see the laser unless it is directly focused into its eyes. In other words ,you would not be able to do a Pink Floyd Laser light show for your friends ,at your next BBQ ,and be able to see the beam like you do now. Which would be a real blast by the way ,but its also illegal ,and it makes the neighbour's call the cops telling them they think aliens have landed.
WARNING : if you ever buy one of these ,in the box you will find a VERY stern warning from the Feds about using these around Aircraft .
They will come get you ,and be VERY mean to you trust me on that one .As they should ,that is just not a good thing at all ,and you would deserve an ass kicking. And they are includeing vehicles in that now also ,so its all a matter of time before an idiot does something we all pay for.
Don't think for one minute these Lasers are not being considered as a class III devise real soon .
Also know that they are incredible battery hogs for sure. So you would need a couple of spares with you if you ever use one.