One source was john shaw's book ,,,,,, a friend who did stained glass , two pistol bullet casters at the range in their 60s . All had high levels of lead / heavy metals. I thought yeah they did time in the navy shipyard in the foundry , but no most were officers / desk job work history.
I think job & diet had a lot to do with it. The tomato filled diet / high in C vitamins E's, a family of Italians did galvanizing for 30 years, while other employees died off regularly at younger ages.
One bullet Caster / doctor told me , 1. Do it outside ....2 Wash the area with liquid dishwasher soap (high phosphate) after ......3 Build a vent / stove pipe 4 When ever you taste that metallic smoke in you mouth your taking it in. 5 High doss of vitamin C / oranges ,,,will help rid your body of toxins .
All the sluff / slag in pot is burned alloy tin and other unknows , at less than 4-5 cents for store bought bullets ,,,,, I think about just giving it all up