I've been kinda busy lately, and just stumbled across this topic. And speaking of stumbling, I stumbled across this site some years back, when I had only one Handi, had been through a divorce, moved to a new town, and hadn't been shooting in a few years. I soon found I had stumbled into a knowledgeable, sharing, generous, and entertaining bunch of people.
Because of GBO I have learned much about Handis, and about the folks on this forum. Tim has been a very large part of the reason I keep coming back here. I have phoned him at times when I couldn't figure out something. I have bought an sold and traded and received gifts from and with him. I even met he and his missus for lunch (or was it dinner?) once in Vancouver WA. There is no one more deserving of GBO members appreciation than Quick!
Reading this thread his makes me feel even more at home here, and even more fully appreciative of the people whom I've never met (I've met some, but not many) and give me the feeling of being with family.
Not only do I thank Bill, Wayne, Pete and H&R, for giving this great gift to Tim, I thank them and many others here for the gift unexpectedly given to me with the reminder how humanity, appreciation and fellowship, even among all us geographical strangers, can cause my eyes to mist up over a bunch of pixels and electrons.
Thanks guys... I love this place!