I hope this doesn't get me in trouble. (My wife is part Metis, and I have lots of part Indian friends, including my brother-in-law and good hunting buddy, so I have nothing racial against them. The only racial culture that really irritates me is the Irish mindset that glorifies drunkenness . . . and I'm part Irish so that shouldn't get me in trouble either
Peoples and nations simply get put up or put down depending how they honour God. That doesn't mean their oppressers are God-honouring - that's pretty clear in the OT. I'm not suggesting that the white man of the 1600s and 1700s who displaced the native was any more God-fearing than a Mohican spiritist - I'm just saying that the spiritist of that time was judged for his centuries of rejection of God, and guess what? Now all us descendants of the white man are being judged for ours!
Not all whites were racist murderers, either. Look at Roger Williams, who founded Rhode Island. The real Christian white men often bought their land from the Indians and were careful to keep good relations. Hypocritical Puritan governments, however, simply saw a quick profit.
Indians in the US really did get screwed, though, far worse than Indians up here in Canada (except for the Mohawks and their royal shafting after the War of 1812). The Cherokee especially got handled badly.
But you know what? I'm part English, Irish, Scottish, Czech, and Ukranian. My English ancestors were mistreated by and lost their idyllic lifestyle to the French after the Battle of Hastings. The Irish and the Scottish ancestors were oppressed by the English and the Vikings for centuries, and got screwed out of their rights and lifestyle by greedy nobles and landowners. The Czechs were sold down the river twice in the 20th century. first to the Germans and then to the Russians , by Western Democracy, and the Ukranians have been raped and pillaged by basically everyone since the beginning of time. Both my Czech and Ukranian ancestors had a choice between enlisting in and serving their oppressor's armies, or leaving - and they left their homes.
But, I don't expect to go back there and demand to retain my historical, native lifestyle. I don't expect to go to the outskirts of Edinburgh and start potting deer at night with a rifle and flashlight, or poaching salmon with a net. It boggles my mind that the natives around here are granted those rights, though. I don't blame them for taking advantage of what they can get - I blame our government for not treating people equally.
Regarding the reserves - I've only driven through a few MicMac reserves, and yes, they are truly miserable. But, every single one of those people has the right to get up, get a job, and get out. I don't blame them for staying on the government dole - mankind everywhere is inherantly lazy and if I had the opportunity, or any other white man, I suspect we'd do the same. But they shouldn't whine about it. Indiginous people everywhere, from Scotland to Ireland to England to the Czech Republic to the Ukraine, have had their idyllic lifestyles interrupted at some point by invaders. It's sad how men treat each other, but we can't go back to the way things were. Be proud of your culture, but don't blame your problems on other people. Learn to take care of yourself, no matter what the circumstances. I think that's something that any of us, no matter what our heritage, can be proud of.
And again, just to be clear - natives/Indians are completely cool with me. I've never met one yet that I wasn't friends with, on some level.