My brother is looking for a new rifle for his son to start hunting white tail Deer with this fall, I own two of the Stevens and love both of them, I have a 308 and a 22-250, the Steven a few years ago and the Edge more recently both got high marks from Guns & Ammo , but in both Rifles, some have a rather stiff trigger pull, My 308 I had the trigger worked on, at the time, $20.00 for a fix, the 22-250 is not bad the way it is.
As most know the Stevens and Edge use different trigger groups, the Stevens can be repaired if needed with a lighter spring, were the Edge can be more difficult too fix.
The Stevens runs about $40.00 more than the edge, but by my latest estimate on a trigger fix for the Stevens it now will be $40.00, Doing some reading on-line, I find you can buy a replacement trigger for the Edge for $80.00 plus fitting.
So if you do go for the Edge if trigger work is needed it looks like the Edge could end up costing more than the Stevens.
Anyone know of a cheaper fix for the Edge if needed, or would it just be a better choice to go with the Stevens.