i have deer hunted from the ohio river to michigan border, but here in east central indiana where i most generally hunt, there arent as many deer,,, period! between all the amish out shooting ANYTHING that is brown, to the blue tounge we had 2 years ago, we just dont have the numbers. if they are going to lenghtend any season it should be the early archery season. i to took the survey, i hope it goes to good use. myself only got to hunt about 6 days all of last year thru early archery clear thru muzzleloader season due to work schedule. the one buck rule is a good rule, but season should start earlier for archery and if anything else they should extend muzzleloader. this is just my opinion, and i am in adams county were amish rule, many amish dont bow hunt or muzzleloader hunt. they all got a shotgun tho, and supposedly a license. i know many of you are in heavily populated areas of the state, but in adams co you are lucky to see a deer anymore. i am sure there is a need for rule changes in different areas, but these would kill all our deer clear out. like i said just my opinion. i take my deer hunting pretty serious, its means for table fare for us. i dont shoot baby deer and if i can pass on does i do.just my thinkin, i have a 4 yr old little boy i want to take hunting, and i want him to be able to see deer when we go out, not amish buggies with an 75 lb deer in the back. just me i guess.