Thanks for trying, but such a general list does little good, how about some book, line & verse...
With your list, some would have problems. particularly the last four. For most serious students of Christianity and the Bible, the National Council of Churches is a very poor source indeed. Many members of that group do not accept fundamental tenets of Christianity, such as:
1) The virgin birth 4) His second coming.
2) The resurrection 5) the trinity
3) The diety of Christ 6) The sinless life of Christ
At their international conferences they may well have guests as speaker/demonstrators who are witch doctors, primitive medicine men or shamans, Buddhists, Hindus, Spiritualists, necromancers, sorcerers and perhaps a few "left-handed monkey jumpers" ..thrown in for good measure. Now, some of those aforementioned are recognized religions..but the organization calls itself a "council of CHURCHES". Perhaps "National Council of WHATEVER" would be more fitting.
The Episcopal Church...I cannot very well accept as a Biblical authority, since they, in many of their branches dispute between themselves over the 6 points listed above. ...And aren't they the group ready to implode over the question whether homosexuality and other sins are really sin ? If they were to read the Bible..say, (Romans 1:22-28) they would have their need to quarrel.
The "official" biography of the Rothschilds...I have read too many "official' biographies...only to find out later, what the real truth was.
...And when you assert that the OT and NT tend to prove your point, you are very negligent in not citing book, line and verse..since the aforementioned universities all come to basically the same conclusions; which seem 180 degrees opposed to your observations.