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Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:52:06 PM »

   I purchased a mold, your book, lapping kit, and Soft Blue Lube from you a couple of months ago.. I read, lapped, cast, sized and worked up loads.... all for what?  Well, I'll tell you.... I HAVE WORKED UP LOADS FOR BOTH MY RUGER 77 AND REMINGTON 788 IN 44 MAGNUM THAT OUTSHOT ANY JACKETED LOAD I HAVE SHOT SO FAR... I'M TALKING 5 SHOT GROUPS AT A MEASURED 100 YDS WITH EACH RIFLE GROUPING UNDER 1.5" TO DATE... REMINGTON PUT 4 SHOTS IN 0.472" WITH THE 5TH A CALLED FLIER BLOWING THE GROUP OUT TO 1.314"... THE RUGER(A CARBINE LENGHT BARREL) PUT 4 SHOTS IN 0.462" WITH THE FIFTH PUSHING OUT THE GROUP TO 1.216".   I'm pretty confident that a better shooter could get rid of those darn flyers....

Thanks for your good products and instruction.... now I have the real question for you....

I'm shooting water quenched  280 LFN's cast @ .433 and sized to .432 using WW and have seen your advise to freeze them for storage... I have shot up a lot working up my loads, but now that I am getting ever close to great performance in them, I will want to stockpile up some bullets... Do you freeze them before or after sizing and also do you lube them before freezing?  I'm using a Lyman 450 for lube/sizing and have been sizing within 24 hrs of casting as I am worried that the hardness of the bullet will cause sizing issues.

Thanks in advance for your advice,



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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2010, 09:50:18 PM »
  Thanks for this nice report.  I really like it when someone takes all the steps required to get results like you have.  As you can testify, it is far better to make everything precision and be dead sure of a proper bullet fit than tinker forever trying to make guesswork turn out precision groups!

To preserve the bullet hardness, freeze anytime that works best for you.  Neither cold or heat will hurt LBT lube, so putting lube on first is fine.  You might like to store the loaded ammo for best convenience when you need it to go shooting.  Freezers are very dry so no dampness will hurt loaded ammo, but storing just the bullets will take up less freezer space.  Pick the best option for you.  As long as the bullets themself are kept cold, hardness will stay high.

  You have just shown the world why the Federal government put me in prison in 1999, for nearly 5 years.  They didn't like what I am teaching, because they don't want YOU KNOWING.  By YOU I mean every  red blooded patriotic gun owning american who wants to learn!   What you have learned makes it harder to establish the planned nazi / communist one world government!  Buy another freezer if you want to store up adaquate ammo! -- The Feds told the world a completely false story about why they put me in prison, of coarse, because the story they gave would make many solid customers hate me too much to ever return.  And in the mock trial, which was all fraud, their true reason for the attack was never mentioned.  But when I got out I was coldly told, by 4 different government men, off the record of coarse.  DON'T start LBT up again!  You were the most wanted man in the US because of your business and KNOWLEDGE, and the charges against you had NOTHING to do with the attack.   So I called the business F.I.G Enterprises Inc.  Which stands for Faith In God.  Because I knew I had absolutely NO hope of making it fly again with any other power.

   If I would have started LBT up again only out of bull headedness, I would have been a fool, but The Almighty God made a promise to defend when the attack started, and I'd be the biggest fool that ever walked the earth to back off or show fear of the Feds after hearing Gods voice and promise, 14 different times in fact!  The last thing he showed me was that they would make another attack to kill me, and that would be when he would 'break their jaws'.   

  I haven't tried to spread this around too much, and made almost no effort to defend my reputation against the fed smears, though I've been out of prison several years.  2003 the first time and 2006 release the second time.  Nor do I care if anyone believes that God spoke to me or thinks I'm a fool for knowing it and centering my life around it.  But one thing for sure, anyone reading this will be far easier to convince that our nation is on the verge of war, and complete takover by a deadly new government, than they were when I got out of prison in 2003.   --  What I'm trying to get across here is.  Learn all you can from me while you can!  Cast bullet knowledge inter relates with jacketed knowledge, and understanding all you can about firearms and ammo making will help strengthen this nation against the evil powers, and slow their progress.  More important than that, or anything, get to know the almighty God, and his Son Jesus Christ.  All you have to do is start talking to him, and put your life in his hands, mentally, and solidly.  You'll find out he is real, and quickly learn that this war we are rapidly heading into is actually a spiritual war, by satan, against Christ.  Read the Bible and believe what it says, not what people tell you they think it means or want it to mean.  The best versions for americans are the King James or if you find it a bit difficult to understand, get the New King James, which is written in modern english.  As you read, talk to your father and ask him to reveal what YOU need to know.  You'll find it comes alive and you'll learn with excitement.  Whenever you read the word power, understand that the orginal word used meant 'supernatural, miricale working power'.  You will have it when you feel the presense of the Holy Spirit, which is the spirit of Jesus Christ, within you.  He promised that, and that having it would also bring you peace.              True peace is what every person on earth needs as much as water and air!

Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2010, 07:58:44 AM »
Out of all the advice and knowlege you have given here and elsewhere, and all that I have received over the years, this is the best and most important knowlege/advice that anyone can receive. (if they will) Time is growing short before it all comes apart here and around the world. Only those who are in Jesus, resting in His peace and trusting Him and having the assurance of salvation will be able to bare it without coming undone themselves. Not by might , not by power, but by His Spirit will we find the strength and wisdom to endure until such time as He calls us home to eternal life with peace and joy forever more. But it's going to get really bad first so your advice is very timely and good,(as usual). God said,"my people suffer from lack of knowlege". The NKJV Bible works best for me and is rated in the top three for accuracy of translation. I've been going back to Ps. 37 so much for the last few years that I was thinking about putting it on my license plate. Much good instruction there for these days we live in, at least for me,(I have an anger problem).  
Thanks Veral !!  God bless you and your better half you rascal !!     ;D


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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 08:30:35 PM »
  Thanks Saddlebum.  I've been pondering what I wrote above for a few days, especially the part about recommending the KJV or NKJV bibles.  Perhaps anyone concerned about which version go read should consider the most popular version in the US today.  The NIV.  New International Version and of coarse, written in English for americans. - International can only mean one thing, and that is One World Government, (especially if we are speaking about English as the language).  It is not a version that can go international in english.  It is copy writed by Zondervan, and the Rockefellers own it or a controlling interest.  Any publications which come from it will be twisted to forward their cause.

  Preachers and laymen alike seem to see no fault in it, but uninformed people can't tell the difference between a bull and a steer either.  If ANYTHING is removed from the Bible, it is for a reason, and the NIV is a castrated version, and gives the same result as with cattle or any living being.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2010, 10:26:11 PM »
I have done some study of the different versions and with what I found and other peoples studies I came up with the best translations as KJV, NKJV and NASV. In that order. Some scholars say the NIV contains heresy in at least a few verses. The best three are word for word translations. NIV and others are thought for thought translations. Lots of  room for error in that method. I have compared some verses in the past,(when I studied more), and have found some errors myself when compared to the other three. The NKJV is the easiest for me to read and understand. It stays real close to the KJV in wording but without the old English/British words. I read it the most. If I get hung up on something and feel I need a better understanding, I compare verses in the other two. Sometimes a little different wording helps. I miss the days when it was all new to me and I studied ALOT with concordances and dictionaries and commentaries. Now it seems I spend my time just trying to live up to what I have learned and maintain my relationship with Jesus. I can be kinda high maintenance sometimes. I should read my Bible more but these days I mostly pour over all the portions I've highlighted and read the Psalms alot. I read a few good devotionals every day and they usually take me to some place in the Bible for awhile too. I think you said once that you read thru the Bible three times while in the pokey. Thats good! I just read it thru once and then started studing. Never was one of those who reads it thru in a year, every year. Now that I think of it I don't think I ever did make it all the way thru the Song of Solomon. Thats a tough one for me.


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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2010, 10:24:04 PM »
  A good reader can sail through the whole bible in 40 hours, yet most church people can't grasp even reading it through in a year!  As for reading it all the way through repeatedly, I consider it pointless to go through all the history of kings and geneology unless one wants to learn about a specific person or something.
  As for commentaries, they are another mans opinion.  I don't need them, at all.

  One reason I favor the authentic King James is that the Strongs Concordence gives the original word and meaning for any word translated into english.  I studied the word power, which crosses over to strength also in many cases, for 40 hours, which is where I learned that the original writers meant supernatural miracle working power of God.  Jesus's teaching very clearly tells us that he gives that to his followers if they truely devote their lives to him, and that he gives it by imparting his spirit into his followers.  In other words he is Master and must be Master, so we don't try to do our own thing and be a magic worker, which won't work anyhow. 

  In this vein, I have told many new believers or bible readers, regardless of the translation being read, that if they understand they are reading the forever living word of GOD, and that it is alive, AND if they ask for HIS SPIRIT to reveal what he wants them to learn, the scripture will come alive and exciting as they read.  It works far better than studying commentaries written by who knows what man, but for quite certain men who never really knew the true power and guidence of the Holy Spirit / God.  Of all the commentaries I've looked at, as far as I could learn, not one of the writers acknowledged the super natural power of God being available to those who belong to Christ.

  My friends, the Bible is full of that, and if we don't have it now, with the times that are coming down on us, we'll be holding the end of a rope that goes downhill and standing on slippery ground to boot.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2010, 05:08:37 PM »
What gets me is the "church"  The Bible warns of those who have a form of Godliness, but deny the power thereof"  It also talks about the latter day church being a lot like the world.  I Believe, based on what happened to me, that if you are born again, there will be a change.  Take your mind off the things of the woirld, and get them on thee things of God.
    One example is healing.  The book of James plainly tells us if there are any sick amoung us, let them come and the elders lay hands on them and annoint them with oil, and they will be healed, and their sins will be forgiven. 
I have strugglked with sleep apnea for over a year, and have a hard time staying awake in church.  all my "brothers" have been warning me of the  dire consequenses of apnea, enlarged heqrt, going to sleep at the wqheel of a car, etc. and demanding that i go toget a sleep study.  First, I don't need a sleep study, aI am quite sure i have apnea.  second, Why did none of these concerned peopke offer the Bibble solution, prayer, and anointing with oil, and the laying on of hands? 
I was prayed over a little over two weeks ago.  My symptoms stopped as soon as i made up my mind to go to the alter for prayer.  I have had a few bad nights, and this aftenoon, i had a hard time stayingf awake in church, but i believe God has healed me.  the main problem is my weight, and i feel he has given me enough of a boost, and a break from the symtoms to get out and excersise, and lose enough weight. 

Why don't we believe whast the Bibile plainly says?  His stripes were for our healing.  Jesus raised several people from the dead, but he mostly healed  Why is he any different today?  He raised me from the dead when i was born again, why shouldn't I trust him to heal me?
Thanks for your testimony , veral.  for what it is worth, i believe you.

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2010, 12:35:13 PM »

don't know if I am necro'ing a thread or not , but think it is important. When I was in Nam, I died. BUT, I was told that I had to go back to my body for my "work" was not done. because of this experience , I'm NOT RELIGIOUS, But I am SPIRITUAL. I believe in Jesus Christ and God the father and the Holy Spirit. But I don't know enough about the Word. I am open to any and all suggestions about which Bible is the best to study and learn. 

     Which is the best to read to understand? I don't understand alot of Thee's and Thou's. thank you for any help.

     Godfrey (goofyoldfart)

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2010, 09:54:14 PM »
  I strongly suggest the New King James version, as it is modern english and a very accurate translation from the original King james.

  Ponder this.  God told you that you had more work to do, when you were dead.  --  The bible says he judges the thoughts and intents of the heart, which means mind in modern english.  He knows and judges our thoughts at all times, so when you read the Bible ask Him to open your understanding and he will do it.  You will then find it gets to be real exciting to read.  It's the only book on earth with this 'power' because it is the living word of God, and he makes sure it has the intended effect.

  One very important thing to consider is that if God told you there is more work for you to do, you should put everything you have into doing it.  (I've heard similar stories from others but wasn't able to hand them any help at the time.  But I can you, and others who feel they have work to do.

  Most people who are willing to do work for God, or feel they should, don't have a clue how to know what they should do, or how to find out what is wanted of them.  Christ gave the instructions.  He said to "die daily" which can only mean to give up our own desires and put his work first.  He also said that we can do all things when his spirit is in us, and He said that the Holy Spirit is his spirit.  We are a branch and he is the vine, or source of life, power, everything that makes us useful in bearing fruit for him.  When I was going through the hardest time in my life I learned that if I offered myself to Christ every day, and ASKED HIM TO CONTROL MY ACTIONS, that life would just run along normal until someone who had a problem, sickness injury or whatever, would cross paths with me, and I would begin to speak to them.  I don't recall one of them, and there were at least a couple hundred during that 3.5 year period, who were not healed of whatever their problem, when I asked God to do it.  One of the more amazing was when I took the hand of a stroke victim who was paralized down one side, gave a gentle pull to help him out of his wheel chair, and told him. "In the name of Jesus Christ, Get up and walk."  He did immediately, for the first time in 3 months since the stroke, and was walking fine the last time I saw him, two years later.  -- I didn't think those words!  They just came out, startling me when I realized what I was saying, but I finished the phrase anyhow out of duty to Christ.  He honored it.

  Christ works that way with every christion who gives themself wholly to his control.  That is the true meaning  when we call him Master.  Try giving yourself to Christ / God, every day, all day, and be amazed 'That your Joy may be full.'   When we do his will he gives us a satisfaction and joy which can't be matched by any other pleasure on earth.  He made us for his glory and made us to really enjoy it when we give him glory, by our own choice.          He never forces anyone, and we shouldn't either.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2010, 05:56:12 AM »
Gee! Whatever I said or did to get my post erased, I apologize.


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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2010, 06:40:22 AM »
We aren't supposed to talk about religion. 
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2010, 05:52:34 PM »
  I deleted a couple of posts because they weren't information that the questioner could use, in my opinion, and I certainly intended no offense.  Just trying to keep things concise.  I've had a few get trailing off with posts which weren't informative, until I think many readers would get bored before finishing.

  I also added quite a bit to my last post before this one.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2010, 02:37:21 PM »
Ok,Veral. thanks for the Information. I have since found a preacher who thinks like you seem to. It's a small congregation (maybe 30 people) and he says the same thing. Only thing that he says that is different is that most people should use the NIV as it is easier to read. I just got my internet back on after two months of being without and have checked into two of my favorite sites, GBO and CastBoolits, and was amazed when I saw your post. I had lost the I-net before you posted your info and had not seen the follow up. I will be asking pasture Joe if he knows about the publisher of the NIV. Veral, I trust your judgment on the NKJV so his answer will be "Illuminating". God works in many wonderful ways--when I saw your answer I started to bawl. Good words and works. thank you for the words. Now to save up some money for the books and some moulds and LBT blue. by the way, which one of the three types work the best for all around (every which way) use? you know--scoot and shoot use --as the animal targets move around alot. 

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2010, 06:15:52 PM »
  I've lost tab of which guns or bullet molds you are interested in, and don't want to read this whole post over to relearn it.  So, to you and anyone else interested in molds for a specific gun or use, please contact be by email, which I try to answer every day.  I don't come here nearly that often.

  You stated in one of your posts above that you believe in the Holy Spirit.  --  Jesus said, 'The Holy spirit is my spirit.'   Keep that formost in your mind whenever people talk about the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit.  Much of what is claimed as being the holy spirit in US churches is in fact 'gifts of the spirit', and when people say a gift is the holy spirit, we need to back off a few steps, and perhaps give them line and verse.  Not point in arguing though.  Just present what Christ said and let them thrash out what they want to believe.  I can't quote you the exact location but will look it up and post it if you or anyone else requests it.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

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Re: Veral, Look at What You Did to My Rifles!
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2010, 05:54:35 AM »
Veral, I know that you are a busy man. and I apologize for troubling you, but, yes could you look it up for me so that I might study it? I am just now really starting to try and read the Bible ( I know, I know, a little late ain't son? I think never too late) and that would help. I feel like such a child when talking to knowledgeable people about this. most just try to put me down for being stupid. How are we to learn? thank you. God Bless to all.