Author Topic: Best "All Purpose" Gun  (Read 15545 times)

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Offline coyotejoe

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #60 on: July 21, 2010, 06:26:36 AM »
I do wish people would read John Taylor's writings completely before taking things out of context. In the book "African Rifles and Cartridges" Taylor explains that his "knock-out" values are called that because they are intended as a guide to whether and how long an elephant may be knocked unconscious by a frontal head shot which narrowly missed the brain. That is it's only application and even there it is just Taylor's personal opinion. Taylor very clearly states that it should be applied only on the heavy, thick skinned game and that for the "plains game" kinetic energy may be a better and more useful value. He avoided detailing how those values were calculated expressly because he feared it would be misapplied, but of course it was not difficult to figure out. Taylor himself would be the first to decry those using his name and formula for North American big game and to apply it to handguns and personal defense is totally ridiculous.
The .357 with 125 grain JHP is a good example. It isn't big, it isn't heavy for caliber, it isn't a hard bullet, it doesn't always exit, it has none of the qualities that would rank high on a "Taylor index" yet it leads the pack in actual one shot stops.
 Taylor's KO values are just another set of hypothetical numbers, no more nor less valuable than any other of the countless formulas people have whipped up over the years, none of which have any scientific or mathematical validity.
The story of David & Goliath only demonstrates the superiority of ballistic projectiles over hand weapons, poor old Goliath never had a chance.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #61 on: July 21, 2010, 06:40:07 AM »
Fair enough,
The only Taylor I have read was in a Capstick book about him.

Offline Groo

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #62 on: July 21, 2010, 05:08:07 PM »
Groo here
 The best "All Purpose "Gun Is a gun that is manual operated, [single shot multi- barrel, revolver{single or
 double} or other type] as they can use any level of load from mouse fart to monster zappers..
 An auto is limited by what will make it self load .
 Size of bullet or power level does not come into play until the type of action is selected.. and the
 location/target/use is selected..

Offline yorketransport

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #63 on: July 21, 2010, 06:40:39 PM »
Just to be different, I'll say the 7.5" 45-70 BFR is the best all purpose handgun. :P

It's hard to argue with the versatility of the 45-70. Down load it for small game, run it full bore for the big stuff. I've even loaded up a fair number of shot loads using #6 birdshot and/or buck shot. The shot loads aren't much, but they'll kill squirrels a 15 yards. ;)

For personal defense, it may not be quick to draw but I'm sure it would get the job done. I chose the 7.5" barrel to help with conceal-ability. I have a 10" BFR and it would take a bigger guy than me to conceal it. But at least here in Washington, open carry is legal so there's no need to conceal. And if a BFR strapped to you hip or in a shoulder holster isn't a crime deterrent, I don't know what is! ;D

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #64 on: July 22, 2010, 04:27:32 PM »
It is not a matter of salvation but of Hermanutics.
A 9X23 is a High PSI round that was developed in the 70's but had problems because of the shell casing.
It is primed by small rifle primers. 50,00 PSI is what I recall without going too the manuals.
Winchester devloped a shell casing that woul hold up too the pressures.
The 9x23 that I own is an STI.
STI developed the gun for the Game crowd and it quickly became a favorite.
I load mine with Vhita Vouri and, while I have no chronograph, like loads devloped and Chronoed by others develope speeds upward of 1500fps.
It is a hard hitting, long range, flat shooting round. In a double stack configuration one can load 15 rounds + pipe.
Mine is a single stack. It is in a the STI Trojan 1911.

Isn't this round pretty much the same as the 9mm Dillon?

 ??? ??? ???

Offline Greeenriver

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #65 on: July 22, 2010, 05:23:51 PM »
The best All Purpose gun is the one YOU HAVE WITH YOU ALL THE TIME. The one you pick up as you leave the house in the morning, regardless of where your going, and the one that lays on the desk near you in the evening when you are home, and the one that sets beside the bed when you sleep, that's the best all purpose gun. That's the one you will use for everything, be it plinking or casual target shooting, defending your life the once in a lifetime you need a gun, the shot of opertunity when your out woods walking or hunting and your rifle is leaning againse a tree just out of reach as you relieve yourself.

It's the one that you always have with you.  For me, that happens to be a SAA with a Birdshead grip anda 3 in bbl in 45 Colt. It works for rabbits if you head shoot them, it will take a deer if your close enough, and it will stop a bad person intent on harming me or mine. Simply because it's ALWAYS with me when I'm outside the house. Either in my pocket, an ITW holster, or between the seats of my PU, but it's always with me.

That's my defination of the "Best all Purpose" pistol. The one that's always with you.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #66 on: July 22, 2010, 07:26:51 PM »
A Ruger SP101, 3" 357. Nuff said!

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #67 on: July 23, 2010, 01:49:39 PM »
Might add,,IMO.
Unless you have facts, other than opinion.

PS--Yes, I thought about the reply before posting.   

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #68 on: August 02, 2010, 06:26:44 PM »
I'll be different and say a 41 Magnum Model 657 in the 4 inch variety. Not sure if anyone selected this yet.

Rationale: The most popular LE self defense round seems to the the 40S&W and the 41Mag can duplicate this performance and that of Ted Nugent's prized 10mm Glock M20. It also has the ability to take big game effectively with more bullet mass the 357 mag. Lastly, it can be loaded down to powder-puff loads for plinking or taking small game.


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #69 on: August 04, 2010, 02:46:03 PM »
The best All Purpose gun is the one YOU HAVE WITH YOU ALL THE TIME. Greeenriver

Great post - thanks!  ;D
held fast

Offline dbriannelson

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #70 on: August 09, 2010, 02:04:46 PM »
"All Purpose" is tough to define.  Handguns were invented to be handy enough to defend oneself while the troops with rifles were out closing with with and destroying the enemy.  Aside from that handiness, which encourages keeping one close by and ready, they don't do anything else as well as a rifle.  That said, I'd pretty much have to agree with the several who've suggested a 4" .357 Magnum revolver.

But I don't have one of those.  I've got a bunch of handguns, but none were bought to be "all purpose."  The latest, a 3 5/8" Ben Forkin Custom .44 Special Old Model Blackhawk, is pretty "all purpose" when loaded with Skeeter Skelton loads.  Accurate as hell, powerful enough for most anything outside a fantasy apocalypse (or dangerous big game hunting - not something I'd do with a handgun, though others certainly may), small enough to conceal beneath a windbreaker or Hawaiian shirt, tough as a railroad track and a pleasure to take to the range to upset and awe the plastic gun crowd.  

If the question were worded slightly differently, i.e. "Which would be the last handgun you'd give up?," then I'd have to answer that one of my 4" 629-1 S&W .44 Magnums would be the last one standing.  Powerful enough for anything real, can be loaded down with .44S rounds, concealable sorta, and about as accurate as a handgun can be.  

But, lest this turn into another of those "list your handguns" threads, I'll venture a hypothetical:

Three-fifty-seven is a fine round that's taken all big game on the planet. It can be stuffed with .38 wadcutters for small game or left potent for self defense.  Double action revolvers are flexible.  They always work, can use a variety of ammo, can function double or single action depending on the occasion, and neatly keep the brass for re-use.  I like S&W, but Colt made some fine revolvers and Ruger makes some tough ones.  Parts are available for those brands, but probably won't be needed until it shoots loose (way down the line) and needs timing.  Other brands may be good too, but anything exotic eventually becomes a throw-down.  Barrel lengths can be debated, but four inches can be concealed and can be shot Keith style to distances beyond reason.  Some folks can shoot shorter barrels well and everyone can shoot longer better, but somewhere around four inches is a good compromise.  Stainless has the advantage that it doesn't seem to corrode, but the bore in fact corrodes under leading faster than standard steels.  It can also be refinished easily, if looks are important.  Blued steel actions can be made crisper, if that's important.  Aluminum is always good to carry, somewhat less good to shoot hot loads in, and it's benefits are directly proportional to the carry to shoot ratio.  I'd probably go with blue given my druthers, though I'm not sure anyone makes those anymore.

So I'd probably get an older blue medium frame S&W .357 Magnum with a 4" barrel ... if I were interested in an "all purpose" handgun.


Semper Fi.  (1803/0210)

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #71 on: August 09, 2010, 08:51:32 PM »
After reading all posts in this thread, I went back and read the first one again.  I noted carry, not concealed carry listed.  This is what has worked for me.  I am a point shooter and will burn 200 to 2000 rounds to familarise, (muscle memory), a new weapon.  When I am in a hurry sights cease to exist.  The best all around for me is a 65-5 S&W 3" barrel in .357 mag.  For me it is a matter of balance, handling and movement.  Since concealed carry was not listed, I would put it in Bianchi cross draw speed leather with a thumb break top strap.  As I only get one gun my ammo would be varied.  I have snakeshot, 38 special, .357 mag up to Buffalo Bore. Bullet weights go from 125 to 200 and wild to mild, cat sneeze to deafining, ammo available everywhere, reloads cheap and easy to do. 
The overwhelming reason for this choice though is that this S&W is what works best for me getting the job done in each of the uses listed.


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #72 on: August 10, 2010, 06:20:10 PM »

9mm is easy to control and penetrates well, with the right bullets and handloads it's quite capable of opening up to a large diameter, there are plenty of nasty anti-armor options for it (not legal at all for civilians to my knowledge but look up some of the russian stuff), cz's are real tough/durable, ergonomics/feel is good, plain but very durable finish, sleek enough you can carry it under a t-shirt in public IF YOU USE A CROSSBREED SUPER-TUCK OR EQUIVALENT, ...

heck I could probably see an argument for a 40 s&w cz-75, or a compact version, or a cz-97 (45acp with a bushing and full length dust cover), but definitely cz (and 9mm for me)

pick 2 is whatever .357 someone can get ahold of that ISN'T a snub, though for people who can shoot good, and aren't concerned with beyond 25yds distance shots, that's good too.

pick three full-sized glock, any model.  they're idiot proof and not picky about maintenance.

Offline mrussel

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #73 on: August 20, 2010, 09:51:21 PM »
If I lived in the city, a major metro area, something along the lines of 4" .357mag would be the choice, and an inch less barrel would not offend me. Real life would involve more threat from two legged critters, and CC would be a priority. Above situation would be handily covered with a 10mm as well Glock 20 I suppose.

As a rural based person I lean towards .44mag 4" pipe. Concealing is less concern on a daily basis. Longer ranges and hunting mean the extra weight and power can be utilized. Down loading to a .44 special for CC or in house and going full throttle for hunting.  I wouldn't feel too underarmed with a G20 outdoors either.

I'm going to talk myself into a G20 one of these days with all this "one gun" do it all talk.  Why exactly do I want only one gun again?

 Im thinking something in 44mag or 357 magnum. You can use special when you dont need a cannon that goes through three apartments,and its big enough to be a threat to big predators that might think you look tasty on the trail. As for the Judge,they may sell alot of them,but I see a lot of used ones on the market. Ruger sells lots of Black Hawks and Redhawks too,but I dont see nearly as many on the used market. Seems people actually buy them and keep them. I dont think you can put the heavy 45lc loads that you can in a Ruger or TC in a Judge and I really am skeptical that you can get very much out of a 410 in a 3" barrel. The Circuit Judge rifle looks pretty cool though. Not from a practical point of view though,it just looks cool.

 I prefer autos but for "all around" use,that is,one gun that does everything,I tend to agree your looking at a revolver.

Offline unclebart

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #74 on: August 22, 2010, 03:19:36 PM »
By the Grace of God I hope none of us have to make the one gun decision for any reason. I have agonized over this a time or two over the years because of financial reasons. Each time it has been a different caliber. Nowadays I'm drifting towards a .357 because of the availability of ammo at just about any store that carries ammunition. And handloading adds to the versatility. Can cast a lot of bullets from a 20# pot. and a lot of loads from a pound of powder, especially in .38. Would pick a S&W 19 or 27/28 with a four inch Bbl. in the model 19 or a five inch in the N frame. If dead tough was a consideration a Ruger S.A. would be a solid choice. Would work ok for defense as well. Alot of folks met their maker courtesy of a Colt or Remington pistol before the double action and semi-auto hit the scene. That being said, I would be VERY put out if I had to give up any of my .44 or .45 pistols. As for a rifle, a levergun or a single shot would work up here in VT. Though I love the bolt guns as well, they wouldn't be as useful here as other parts of the country. If someone wanted to do me harm, I would be more concerned with the guy with a well used 30-30 or baby rattle .45 than some yahoo with a black gun with a grand worth of toys hanging off of it. All he is is a resupply depot for someone who knows what he is doing. All of this is just my long winded opinion and I'm sticking to it until I change my mind. :D 

Offline Justin10mm

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #75 on: August 22, 2010, 05:54:28 PM »
If it spins - .357 mag.

If it slides - 10mm
If you merge the two into one - S&W 657 .41 magnum 

Offline Ken ONeill

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #76 on: August 28, 2010, 04:01:53 PM »
A 4" stainless Ruger GP-100 .357 Mag. with adjustable sights. And I don't even own one! Somewhere along the line I got carried away and decided to own several for EACH purpose, rather than one for ALL purposes.

Offline mrussel

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #77 on: August 28, 2010, 05:44:45 PM »
By the Grace of God I hope none of us have to make the one gun decision for any reason. I have agonized over this a time or two over the years because of financial reasons.

 I would actually expect many to have to make this decision at least once in their lives. If you didnt grow up with guns around and reach adulthood with none at all,then there is going to be (unless your one of those people that dont WANT guns,but I think its safe to assume that the audience here has few of those types) a time that you decide that you want or need a gun and go down to the gun store to get one. Since your probboally young and dont have a lot of cash,and may not even have a clear idea of all the things your going to need or want it for,something with alot of versatility may be just what you need. There are of course the questions that come up of what do you need it for. Are you living in a bad neighborhood. If your young and poor,this may well be the case.

If your older and poor,then I suspect that you will know EXACTLY what you need a gun for,self defense. If your older and have little money,its likely you have a family one or more full time jobs,and may well live in a city,and dont go hiking or camping often and recreational plinking beyond what you can justify for much needed practice may be out of the question. When your young with no responsibilities,you may eat ramen for a month (actually,that's a terrible idea,your better off buying a 50lb bag of rice and a 20lb bag of beans and supplementing it with small amounts of vegetables,whatever is cheapest or marked down and eat every bit including the stems. A little soy sauce for 3 dollars and a pinch of red pepper that costs less than a penny adds a little flavor. If you really want to go all out buy a bottle of mirin for 5 bucks and it makes a solid teriaki sauce for pennies a day if you use it sparingly. A sticky rice ball,seasoned with a little soy sauce if you like it that way,makes a good filling lunch too. That will actually keep you healthy rather than ramen which will end up making you malnourished,but that's another discussion). When your older however,your less likely to have the ability to sacrifice like that (or you may well be already sacrificing like that just to FEED your family so recreational activities are off the table. The gun is just a tool to protect yourself and your family and if you get some fun at the range when you practice its a side effect as its not a game,its serious business at that point,making every shot count toward practicing and perfecting your technique.

 If your younger though,you probably have more latitude with your money and your time. Even though you may have limited funds,you may still find the time to go camping with friends,or even go on a hunting trip. When you go to the gun store and tell them your looking to buy a gun,of course money is an issue. The question of course might be asked if your looking for one for self defense. The answer is "Uh sure,I guess,yea that sounds like something I need to worry about,my neighbor was broken into last week." If they ask if you need something for hunting,you might answer,yea,hunting with a handgun sounds fun,sure why not" When they ask if you need something to protect against predators while hiking,the answer is "Well,yea,I go hiking and fishing sometimes,and Ive heard of attacks,but I never really thought about it,I guess I do need something for that." In fact,you need a lot of guns. Maybe a 1911 for carry,maybe a light weight 357 or 44magnum for hiking. Maybe a full sized 7.5 or 10" 44magnum or even larger revolver or a single shot for hunting. Thats not going to happen so you have to either decide which of those is most important and get one gun that does that perfectly (which you will most likely fail to do,I was lucky,I chose a browning hi power,loved it and several of my friends,who allready had lots of guns ran out and bought one too after shooting it) You might also decide to get something versatile. I have to say,I'm not a revolver guy (in fact,I REALLY wanted to buy a Desert Eagle in 44magnum but came to the conclusion that a SBH just made so much more sense),but I hardly think something like a 4" DA 357 magnum or 44 magnum would be a bad choice for that person. I wouldn't try to hunt with it,but some people do and it hits like a freight train with the right ammo. They can both be loaded down with a special,and be in the range that useful for self defense. (Everyone who knows a retired LEO who swears by a 38 raise your hand!) Its light enough for concealed (or open) carry and as such,is light enough for a backpacking trip where your counting ounces. Like I said,I'm not a revolver guy,so maybe I'm way off base here,but it seems that in any of those rolls,either of those guns are not going to be particularly bad or unsuited to any of those roles.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #78 on: August 28, 2010, 05:48:32 PM »
A 4" stainless Ruger GP-100 .357 Mag. with adjustable sights. And I don't even own one! Somewhere along the line I got carried away and decided to own several for EACH purpose, rather than one for ALL purposes.

 I think most people that want or need a gun for every purpose will end up like that. There are of course for instance,people that want a gun for self defense. They will buy one,and maybe trade it in for something they like better. They wont end up with a closet full of guns though becuase 1) they are not the "gun collecting" type (like so many of us here ARE) and 2) they feel all their needs are met by that one gun as there are no bears in the neighborhood park,just trees with lots of squirrels that are illegal to shoot and the and goes for the duck pond. :-(

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #79 on: August 29, 2010, 07:26:41 AM »
I would take my .44 mag Ruger Redhawk with 5 inch barrel. I have shot a lot of small game with handloaded 240 grain semiwadcutters and it is plenty powerful enough for hunting and self defense with full power loads.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #80 on: August 29, 2010, 08:11:20 AM »
if we're talking long gun and i could only have one i'd probly pick a 870 pump 12 ga.......if handgun i'd choose a 4" M29 or 629 Smith+Wesson. JMO, worth what you paid for it ;)

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #81 on: August 29, 2010, 08:32:06 AM »
I see this thread has been going for a while and after reading it I have to admit, I love my 22 pistols, medium bore and big bore pistols all the way up to my 500 S&W mag but to pick one pistol for an all purpose it would have to be my 4 inch 686. Everybody has a "rather" that one would be mine.
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #82 on: August 29, 2010, 11:46:21 AM »
Mrussel, I really enjoyed reading your post.
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #83 on: August 29, 2010, 06:06:57 PM »
Might add,,IMO.
Unless you have facts, other than opinion.

PS--Yes, I thought about the reply before posting.   

Easy Bill, the whole topic is about opinions. The SP101 with a 3" barrel in 357 is my choice in an all around gun, even with factory loads. Reasonably easy to carry and conceal, potent round for defence, accurate enough for close range small game, and in a pinch could put down a deer. It's stainless for easy maintenance and has a history of reliability. Nuff said?  ;)

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #84 on: August 31, 2010, 10:22:58 PM »
This has been a fun reading little thread and some good points made.
As I have read this thing and kept up with it I keep hearing me ask ths same questions.
Are we talking about formats or calibers???
If we are talking about formats--this may eliminate calibers & if we are taking about calibers, then the question is presented incorrectly--or--confusingly.
My favorite format is a 1911 semi-auto. I do like the Sig and Walther formats and Browning has a warm spot in myheart.
I don't like the Glock style format--or the gun either--too boxy for my taste.
Yes--the pointability of the 1911 suits my mind.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #85 on: September 03, 2010, 08:25:14 AM »
When you say all purpose to me it would have to do everything I needed to do with it well enough to depend on. There is a difference in having to make do with what ya got and actually buying something with the all purpose thought in mind. What part of the country you live in plays a big factor to me as well as if you are in the big city or in a rural area. Where I live I would say 90 % of what I need a gun for is varmint control and hunting up to deer size game. Somebody living in the city 90% of what they need a gun for would probably be self defence. You can use about any gun as an all purpose gun but some are really what I would call more versital than others. kinda like a swiss army knife compared to a leatherman. LOL

Offline mrussel

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #86 on: September 03, 2010, 07:13:52 PM »
When you say all purpose to me it would have to do everything I needed to do with it well enough to depend on. There is a difference in having to make do with what ya got and actually buying something with the all purpose thought in mind. What part of the country you live in plays a big factor to me as well as if you are in the big city or in a rural area. Where I live I would say 90 % of what I need a gun for is varmint control and hunting up to deer size game. Somebody living in the city 90% of what they need a gun for would probably be self defence. You can use about any gun as an all purpose gun but some are really what I would call more versital than others. kinda like a swiss army knife compared to a leatherman. LOL

 Yup,becuase everyone KNOWS you should get a SOG.  ;)

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #87 on: October 03, 2010, 04:16:11 AM »
If I was allowed only one hand gun it would probably be a S&W 4" .357 mag. with adjustable sites.

But thank goodness we are not restricted to just one gun.

Not to hijack the thread but lets ad to it.  In addition to "what is the best all around handgun?" let's  also ad what's the best all around rifle as well?  

Agree with your choice of handgun
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Offline mrussel

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #88 on: October 03, 2010, 04:09:01 PM »
Groo here
 The best "All Purpose "Gun Is a gun that is manual operated, [single shot multi- barrel, revolver{single or
 double} or other type] as they can use any level of load from mouse fart to monster zappers..
 An auto is limited by what will make it self load .
 Size of bullet or power level does not come into play until the type of action is selected.. and the
 location/target/use is selected..

 Thats somewhat true,but if I want some really scaled back loads for my 1911 I can allways put in a lighter spring. The problem is,although I can make it less powerfull which might be good for certain things,I cant make it much MORE powerful. I think you have to start really powerful and scale the load down,so an "all purpose" gun is going to end up being much more powerfull than you need for even typical uses,but be capable of being loaded with something lighter. Right there,that tends to suggest revolvers,although some autos have barrels that can be swapped out. A 1911 in 44 super MIGHT also fit the bill. 460 Rowland MIGHT as I said if you had multiple barrels. Still,the cost of it would be such that your better off getting several guns to fill those needs. A Super Black hawk for the big heavy hunting stuff (or just dry firing in the mirror while saying "Do you feel lucky punk? Well do ya?") and something like a low cost 1911 in 38 super or 45acp and a .22 will,if you shop carefully,cost you less than the one very expensive gun. That brings us back to multiple guns,or at the least one revolver COULD fit the bill. The best bet in my mind would be one of the lighter 44 magnums. Of course,for very small game,I dont think shot shells have the range you need and a .44 bullet,no matter how light the charge is going to leave a spatter of blood and fur. (I guess you could pull the bullets and shoot them from a slingshot)

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #89 on: October 18, 2010, 12:01:14 PM »
Points to ponder: self/home defense & carry, hunting/woods/trail gun, practice & plinking, yes, it has to do it all.

I've owned, carried, and/or shot scores of handguns from .25ACP through .44 Mag, and own more way more autos than wheelguns, but to satisfy this broad criteria I too lean to a medium frame .357 wheelgun.  It will "do it all."