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Offline Old Griz

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Best "All Purpose" Gun
« on: July 17, 2010, 11:31:35 PM »
In your opinion what is the best all-purpose hand gun?

The Double Action Revolver forum has two similar questions: What is the best .357? and what is the best double action revolver, however, I did not want to limit it to revolvers or specific calibers.

Points to ponder: self/home defense & carry, hunting/woods/trail gun, practice & plinking, yes, it has to do it all. If the gun comes in different barrel lengths, be sure to include what length is your all-purpose length.

This does not have to be a gun you own, or have ever owned. Just make, model, and why this gun is your candidate for best all-purpose.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 01:08:06 AM »
If it has to do all that, I'm going with the double action. 4 inch bbl. .41mag to .45colt. Smith and Wesson.
There is alot of compromise that has to happen in a question like that. I have a M-57 S&W that fits the answer to that question. Not the best for everything but a good compromise on all your criteria.


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 01:44:03 AM »
6 1/2" barrel, or 5" barrel S&W 629 .44 Mag.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2010, 03:01:34 AM »
a Dan Wesson 357 with interchangable, different length they still make these guns?

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2010, 03:23:39 AM »
If I was allowed only one hand gun it would probably be a S&W 4" .357 mag. with adjustable sites.

But thank goodness we are not restricted to just one gun.

Not to hijack the thread but lets ad to it.  In addition to "what is the best all around handgun?" let's  also ad what's the best all around rifle as well? 
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Offline hornady

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2010, 03:57:02 AM »
A general question like this is almost impossible to answer correctly, The one gun that dose come to mind would be the Taurus Judge, not that I thing it would be the best at any of the listed task for one gun, but if you lived in an apartment and wanted minimum wall penetration, the 410 field load would be well suited Also as a woods small critter gun. But if the need comes up the 45LC would be better suited for the larger 2 and 4-legged critters.
One of the ammo company’s, I am not sure which one, has come out with a new defensive round in 410 just for this gun, it looks impressive. 

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2010, 04:53:50 AM »
My Model 29 five inch. I have killed deer with it. I have carried it in a large coat pocket, it is at the ready for home defense. I have used it in competion.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2010, 04:57:11 AM »
Smith Model 19 357 4"

Offline FN in MT

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2010, 05:22:40 AM »
 BEST means cheapest to many.   And to others the most exclusive ergo most expensive.

 To some it's whatever handgun they saw in a movie that was capable of knocking zombies or bad guys halfway across a room...or could stop a bus at 50 yds.

 To others it means whatever the advertisers, gun rags or internet boobs are buzzing about this month.
The Taurus Judge is a prime  example. I personally laugh at the concept...and feel they are nothing more than a marketing ploy...but they are selling a ton of them. Even a major ammo company is making a Judge specific load.  All sorts of people.....many really knowledgeable too...have themsleves talked into a 3" .410 being a great all around gun. Despite the relatively anemic ballistics of the .410 shotshell.      Marketing.

  To quite a few of the AR crowd BEST is color coordinating mags and furniture...or hanging 12# of stuff they will never use of a 12" handguard. To many the BEST  AR's are like Barbie dolls to be dressed up and admired. How many different dress up options are their idea of best.

  One has to define what BEST means to you.  Best fit and finish? Best accuracy. The most modern engineering and manufacturing method? Most durable.  Ease of maintenance and parts supply?  Most affordable?

  FN in MT



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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2010, 07:10:26 AM »
If I lived in the city, a major metro area, something along the lines of 4" .357mag would be the choice, and an inch less barrel would not offend me. Real life would involve more threat from two legged critters, and CC would be a priority. Above situation would be handily covered with a 10mm as well Glock 20 I suppose.

As a rural based person I lean towards .44mag 4" pipe. Concealing is less concern on a daily basis. Longer ranges and hunting mean the extra weight and power can be utilized. Down loading to a .44 special for CC or in house and going full throttle for hunting.  I wouldn't feel too underarmed with a G20 outdoors either.

I'm going to talk myself into a G20 one of these days with all this "one gun" do it all talk.  Why exactly do I want only one gun again?
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Offline hornady

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2010, 07:14:58 AM »
The Question was. Best ( self/home defense & carry, hunting/woods/trail gun, practice & plinking gun ) so lets go threw this slow.
1, home defense would a 44 mag be right for everyone, NO.
2, carry gun, would a 44 Mag be right for everyone, no again.
3, Hunting , 44 mag again Bear or deer yes, Rabbit or Squirrel no.
4, woods /trail gun, 44mag, some times yes sometimes no.
I will close with two items, did I say the Taurus was the best all around gun, no.
The Army had a saying about Opinions, but this being a family sight I will not post it here.
It totally amazes me how some people have this almost god like, knowledge of what is right and what is not.
This like all forms is an opinion-based form, so why attack someone else’s gun choice. I do not own a Taurus judge, and only know what I have read on form post and Magazines. I may be missing something but I think I will continue believing noted gun journalist and post by owners of the firearm, before the opinion of someone that has aloud his ego to instill god like wisdom on him over us mere mortals.     

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2010, 07:46:17 AM »
The Question was. Best ( self/home defense & carry, hunting/woods/trail gun, practice & plinking gun ) so lets go threw this slow.
1, home defense would a 44 mag be right for everyone, NO.
2, carry gun, would a 44 Mag be right for everyone, no again.
3, Hunting , 44 mag again Bear or deer yes, Rabbit or Squirrel no.
4, woods /trail gun, 44mag, some times yes sometimes no.
I will close with two items, did I say the Taurus was the best all around gun, no.
The Army had a saying about Opinions, but this being a family sight I will not post it here.
It totally amazes me how some people have this almost god like, knowledge of what is right and what is not.
This like all forms is an opinion-based form, so why attack someone else’s gun choice. I do not own a Taurus judge, and only know what I have read on form post and Magazines. I may be missing something but I think I will continue believing noted gun journalist and post by owners of the firearm, before the opinion of someone that has aloud his ego to instill god like wisdom on him over us mere mortals.    

  If the last few sentences were aimed at me...I don't try to sound GOD like.  It's simply that I type whats in my if I was speaking to a person in front of that time.

  I am really not that confrontational or GOD like in person.  But...I am generally RIGHT.

  FN in MT

Offline hornady

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2010, 08:10:33 AM »
 But...I am generally RIGHT.
That too is an opinion.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2010, 09:40:13 AM »
I think I'll give my opinion and I don't care what anyone else thinks. I read their opinions and don't get really upset when I disagree with them. I have held my tongue alot when it comes to the Judge because I kinda hurt someone's feelings at work one time. I laughed and made fun of that puny little gun in front of him, forgetting that he had one.   :'(   All that said, I can't hold back any longer.    :-*

The Taurus Judge is a joke. It is a ridiculous POC. To hold it up in this thread as the "best all purpose" handgun is just laughable. I would be embarrassed to be seen with one hanging on my hip. I'm not a gun snob or think I know it all. I don't have a gun library or even a gun safe. I don't write for magazines or am I a self-proclaimed guru. But look at the Judge for pete sake. What is it really good for? Defending yourself from a snake or an attacker at 10ft away? And not the best for that! Are we going to hunt anything with this goofy invention? It's not even an attractive paper weight. This is the Billy Rae Sirus of guns. Years ago BRS came out with the goofiest song I ever heard. You know the one, you probably line danced to it or made up your own dance routine to dance to it. "Achey Brakey Heart". And they called it counrty music. People seem to love it. Probably more for the blasphemy of country music than anything else. BRS is so repugnant I can't stand the sight of him and wonder how it is he makes a living doing what he does. But then look at pop culture. None of that crap makes any sense to me. I don't follow trends that go against common sense just because everybody else does it. I don't need a dumb-ass gun writer to tell me what to shoot. I could get all politically correct and warm and fussy and say I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but maybe it's time for some people to grow up!!   :o   I will say this is not aimed at any one person. But instead it is aimed at one of the most ridiculous guns on the market, IMHO.........



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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2010, 10:20:05 AM »
 I went back and read WHO posted what in this thread. Now I know why Hornady's feathers are so ruffled.

 Sorry to have apparently hurt your feelings. But..had the Judge came up face to face...I would have said the same thing.

  FN in MT

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2010, 10:40:32 AM »
"The Taurus Judge is a joke."

I personally have much the same opinion. I honestly don't understand the fascination that some people have for it. As Col. Cooper said on another matter, "It is a fascinating solution to a nonexistent problem".

I knew a young lady once who carried a .25ACP for protection. She said something to the effect that "I don't want to shoot anybody with it, just scare them"...I didn't understand that either.

Having said that...if it is to your liking, get one. I would rather people shoot guns than not.

Offline hornady

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2010, 10:45:43 AM »
Ok lets back up for the third time, is there such a thing as a one Handgun will do everything (.NO), is the Taurus a peace of junk, could be, I don’t own one. But you tell me what other revolver will fire a 410 shot shell or a 45LC. Kind of covers a broad area. Also why would they have gone to all the trouble of developing a round specifically for this gun, if it was the flavor of the week?
As to all gun writers being full of it. This seems to be a mystery to me, if these guys have no idea what they are talking about. Why are they paid so well? Sure some idiot can write something, but let take Elmer Keith, he sure was full of it, and Jeff Cooper, these two sure didn’t know what they were talking about did they.  I read reloading, gun, and hunting Magazines, I read post on forms, as well as Gun blogs, this is what is known as collecting an informed insight into a subject, yes I have read BS in all of these,  If guys did not want or like the Taurus, it would not have stayed on the market.
This is ridicule; any fool knows you do not read one Magazine ad or post on an opinion form, and take it as fact. You guys talk about the Taurus, but look at the Hi Point, to me this is the biggest piece of junk on the market today, but go out and read some of what the guys that own them are saying. Not everybody likes vanilla ice cream.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2010, 11:16:39 AM »
.410 defense pistol... oxymoron.

 .410 shotgun with birdshot and a 3" barrel... useless over 6' on anything worth eating.

.45 Colt, proven man stopper, considered adequite HORSE stopper pre WWI. 

Why weigh down a handgun with an extra 1.5 inches of cylinder and frame to shoot rats and snakes two feet further than .45 shot shells? Because anybody who watches movies knows for a fact that a shotgun will cut a person clean in two, ... unaimed,... across a room. That is a true Holliwood fact.

Just selling the sizzle baby, selling the sizzle.
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2010, 11:30:28 AM »
Ok lets back up for the third time, is there such a thing as a one Handgun will do everything (.NO), is the Taurus a peace of junk, could be, I don’t own one. But you tell me what other revolver will fire a 410 shot shell or a 45LC. Kind of covers a broad area. Also why would they have gone to all the trouble of developing a round specifically for this gun, if it was the flavor of the week?
As to all gun writers being full of it. This seems to be a mystery to me, if these guys have no idea what they are talking about. Why are they paid so well? Sure some idiot can write something, but let take Elmer Keith, he sure was full of it, and Jeff Cooper, these two sure didn’t know what they were talking about did they.  I read reloading, gun, and hunting Magazines, I read post on forms, as well as Gun blogs, this is what is known as collecting an informed insight into a subject, yes I have read BS in all of these,  If guys did not want or like the Taurus, it would not have stayed on the market.
This is ridicule; any fool knows you do not read one Magazine ad or post on an opinion form, and take it as fact. You guys talk about the Taurus, but look at the Hi Point, to me this is the biggest piece of junk on the market today, but go out and read some of what the guys that own them are saying. Not everybody likes vanilla ice cream.

Thanks for making my point! Keith and Cooper didn't endorse the Judge and if they were alive I'm sure they would not. They were intelligent honest men of intgrity with stellar reputations. Unlike many writers today. Those days of Keith, Seyfried,Cooper, O'Conner, and others of their day are gone. Most of your post affirms what I said in my post. Especially your comment on the Hi Point. Fact is that so many gun writers out there have their own reasons for hyping certain guns and making them a popular market item. Even if it's junk. If you have been reading gun mags for a long time I'm sure you have noticed this play out before. I'm not falling for it. I learned too much from the earlier writers and experienced enough to not be driven by the writers of today, eventhough I do respect a couple of them. Most of them cater to a pretty gullable crowd.
Again I'm not attacking you or any other owner of a Judge or Hi Point. Just stating what I consider to be the facts. If someone can show me a truth that I have overlooked, I might change my opinion. Maybe there is an odd, small nitch in someones battery for a Judge. But I don't see it................No hard feelings!


Just another OPINION.


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2010, 12:15:40 PM »
To start off I hope no one is holding a grudge, there are more ways to look at a problem than one, I too am opinionated and speck my mind as well. As too Cooper or Keith not endorsing this gun, well I know Keith passed many years before the judge was ever brought to market, and all that I have read by Cooper I don’t think I read an opinion one way or the other prior to his death.
I take it you do not watch the nightly news, this to is riddled with propaganda and BS, but if you sort threw it you will find something useful.  You guys talk about the Judge, but are you aware there is an AR type 410 shot gun that is sold in the US, and I know most of you know Marlin makes a 410-lever action.
But if not for the so-called BS gun rags, I would not have known of any of these. Not that I plan on buying any of them. But it is nice to know what is new or improved. But like the news you dig threw the BS, find what truth you can, make an informed opinion.
And there that word is again, OPINION, to say someone is foolish, stupid, or Laughable  because of there opinion, is not a good way to get yours point across. 

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2010, 02:28:20 PM »
Back to the original question.

I would choose my 5" S&W M625. Using full moon clips I can reload it pretty rapidly, so it would work for self defense. And there's no end of variety in 45 ACP ammo, good anything from self defense to small game. Buffalo Bore makes a heavy 45 AR load that would work for deer or small bears. Much versatility here.

As to the rifle question, either a Marlin M39 in 22 LR or a Marlin M336 in 30-30, depending on the size of the intended target.

My nickle's worth.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2010, 02:37:22 PM »
The 45 Colt may not be the "Best 'All Purpose' Gun," but it is
undoubtedly in the top two or three. Why? It is still available
in many great handguns...Ruger Vaquero as well as a number
of Colt clones. The cartridge is mild to shoot, even the "hot"
45 Colt loads are tolerable. It is a formidable contender for
both self-defense and hunting. It is available in a number
of weights, configurations, and can be bought in a number
of "out of the way" places. It, even to this day, has great
stopping power both for game and assailants.

Strictly my opinion due to both observation and research.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2010, 03:06:15 PM »
I would have to agree with that, the .45 is top shelf. I can't see what a .410 would bring to the table, in a revolver anyway.
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Offline Old Griz

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2010, 03:09:15 PM »
Come on guys -- remember this is all just for fun. If someone wants a squirt gun, that's his choice. Just let it go.

I'd choose a 3 or 4 in. S&W 686. It was a tough choice between the 686 and the 66, but I'm gonna go with the slightly bigger, stronger gun. For carry purposes I guess I'd go with the 3 in. as the best all-purpose. The .357 because of versatility of the .38 for practice, plinking, small game, and the .357 for self defense and larger game.

The best all-purpose long gun would be a 12 ga. Remington 870. Not a great long range weapon, but with all the shot and slug options it would be hard to beat for all-purpose.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2010, 05:12:57 PM »
 I thought this was settled a while back. The winner was a 4" 357 D/A revolver. I can't disagree with that.
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2010, 06:22:33 PM »
Old Griz,

Like all that procede me I have a nose and an opinion and neither are worth much to any one but me but I'll share my opinion.

I break your question into two catagories in my mind; rimfire and center fire.  For a all-purpose rim fire I would chose one of two.  In the revolver catagory my pick would be a Ruger Single Six with a 4 and 5/8 inch barrel and both LR and Mag cylinders.  For a Semi-Auto my pick is the Browning Buckmark Camper URX with a 5 inch barrel.  Lots of after market accessories for tweeking are available.

For a center fire my choice would be a Ruger 4 inch Redhawk or a 4 and 5/8 inch Blackhawk in .45 Colt.  Colt loads or hand load the Ruger/TC loads and either is about as "all-purpose" as anything out there except for concealed carry.  Frankly, I'd rather not have to settle on just one, would rather have all four and already having the Browning and the Blackhawk I'm on my way to that goal.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2010, 06:24:31 PM »
That's what I was accurate, dependable, four inch DA .357.  Okay, could be a SA.


I shot a judge a few times.  You have to be pretty close to kill a golpher with one.

Rifle?  How about a lever action chambered for the same cartridge as the revolver?  Good guess, huh?
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2010, 09:03:48 PM »
S&W 627-5 PC 8x.357. And I do believe one handgun can do it all ... reasonably. A much downloaded .38spl is fine on small game I'd use a .22 on, all the way up to hot .357mag for edible game, predators 2 and 4 legged. And with 8 shots and a .357, I've got the capacity of a 1911 with a more versatile longer reaching round, faster action, and moon clipped reloads.

Rifle, what would I need that for?  ;D
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2010, 03:59:29 AM »
That's what I was accurate, dependable, four inch DA .357.  Okay, could be a SA.


I shot a judge a few times.  You have to be pretty close to kill a golpher with one.

Rifle?  How about a lever action chambered for the same cartridge as the revolver?  Good guess, huh?

 :o JCN59, did you mean gopher or golfer?  Just wanted to know if I need to keep my eyes open for you when I'm on the links.  ;)
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2010, 04:05:46 AM »
Have any of you who own or have shot a Taurus Judge ever shot .410 slugs threw it?   I agree that .410 shot loads out of a short barreled hand gun would be all but useless except at arms length but I have read that .410 slugs produce as much energy as the .357mag. 

It would still seem to me that there are much better choices in CC weaponry than the Judge but to each their own.     
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