Author Topic: Best "All Purpose" Gun  (Read 15589 times)

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Offline mrussel

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #120 on: January 11, 2011, 05:53:13 PM »
Ok lets back up for the third time, is there such a thing as a one Handgun will do everything (.NO), is the Taurus a peace of junk, could be, I don’t own one. But you tell me what other revolver will fire a 410 shot shell or a 45LC. Kind of covers a broad area. Also why would they have gone to all the trouble of developing a round specifically for this gun, if it was the flavor of the week?
As to all gun writers being full of it. This seems to be a mystery to me, if these guys have no idea what they are talking about. Why are they paid so well? Sure some idiot can write something, but let take Elmer Keith, he sure was full of it, and Jeff Cooper, these two sure didn’t know what they were talking about did they.  I read reloading, gun, and hunting Magazines, I read post on forms, as well as Gun blogs, this is what is known as collecting an informed insight into a subject, yes I have read BS in all of these,  If guys did not want or like the Taurus, it would not have stayed on the market.
This is ridicule; any fool knows you do not read one Magazine ad or post on an opinion form, and take it as fact. You guys talk about the Taurus, but look at the Hi Point, to me this is the biggest piece of junk on the market today, but go out and read some of what the guys that own them are saying. Not everybody likes vanilla ice cream.

The writers are paid to say nice things about the products that the advertisers make.

Taurus' in general are POS to me.I would never buy another one.

For "one gun"?
What gun do you shoot the best?
That's always a good place to start.

Rugers are the ones that the reloaders around here like,cause they can load their home brews heavy and not worry about it breaking.
As for caliber,a 44mag is a great all around caliber for protection,at home,and hunting.
You can get shot shells that pattern as well as the 45lc/410 guns do.
The latter has to be rifled to make it "not" be a short shot gun,so the patterning of the shot kinda sucks.
And you can shoot 44 special in the 44mag to cut the recoil

357 is good,but marginal for deer sized game.(ruger also)

My feeling is that the one do all gun should be a 44magnum,but a good case can be made for a 357. I think a good answer is either a 357 OR a 44 magnum revolver. Both probably fit the bill.

 I didn't have a lot of opinions about Taurus until I saw someone try to should some hot,but not totally extreme rounds in a light weight 44 magnum revolver. Im not saying he should have been able to shoot that stuff,becuase he should not have,but they were not anything that extreme,just recommended for any steel frame revolver in good shape. They were not like the 340gr buffalo bore ones that are like a 454 in energy and can only be shot out of a select few guns. I would have expected that they would simply cause damage to the gun over time,shaking it loose. What happened instead was that they had to be hammered out of the cylinder with a metal rod and the cases had a bulge,visible to the naked eye on them. They were only a hair away from blowing the gun apart. There is simply NO safety margin built into them. After seeing that I would never buy a Taurus,not because I think I should be able to shoot those loads in it,but because I know that they will be very unforgiving of any problems. Fortunately,I bought a Super Blackhawk and Ive never regretted it even for a moment. The only thing approaching it I had was seeing a 480 Ruger Super Readhawk at gun show two weeks later for 400 dollars and not being able to afford it because I had already spent my  money a different Ruger revolver.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #121 on: January 29, 2011, 12:52:34 PM »
Well, since everybody and their brother has voiced an opinion I think I should also.
My vote is for a .357 with a 4" barrel, no particular make.  It's powerful, versatile, affordable, and ammo is easy to find, thanks to it's ability to digest .38 special.  The .357 is also a handloader's dream with all of the components and data available.
GH1 :)
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Offline mjbskwim

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #122 on: January 30, 2011, 01:25:28 AM »
OK fine,I'll go buy that 357 Vaquero I've been looking at

Offline wallacem

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #123 on: February 07, 2011, 11:32:51 AM »
If I had to pick one handgun to live the rest of my life with, it would be a Ruger GP100 in 6" barrell and stainless.  Case closed,  Wallacem in Ga


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #124 on: February 08, 2011, 02:05:11 AM »
 If we go 357 then i vote for a mod 65 or 13 S&W .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline tguil

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #125 on: February 08, 2011, 01:09:15 PM »
If I had to pick one handgun to live the rest of my life with, it would be a Ruger GP100 in 6" barrell and stainless.  Case closed,  Wallacem in Ga
  I see  that you are another "old guy" with a GP100 and a "bad---" Harley.  Rock on!!!  ;D


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #126 on: May 14, 2011, 10:57:42 AM »
I am a revolver fan. The vast majority of my handguns are revolvers. Nonetheless if I was primarily interested in a handgun for home or urban area self defense I would get a semi-auto pistol. Caliber would be a NON magnum 9mm to 45 ACP range.

If I lived in a rural area and used the gun for hunting or longer than across the room ranges I would get a .357 4-6 inch barrel for its versatility.

Offline 2ndtimer

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #127 on: May 18, 2011, 06:42:10 PM »
I realize I am way late on this thread, but I found it very interesting.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and opinions are never "right" or "wrong".  We may agree or disagree, or think that someone's opinion is crazy.  (which is only our opinion, too!)  As for an all around hand gun, the choice depends on how much experience you have, and how much money you are willing to devote to it.  My recommendation to people who asked me for "the one best handgun for target shooting, protection, and value and low cost", I suggested a Glock Model 19.  9mm, not the best hunting or trail gun, but beats a .22 rimfire against predators, human or animal.  And if you don't handload, try pricing 9mm ammo vs. .357 Mag, .44 Mag or .45 Colt.  Also if you aren't an experienced shooter, the 9mm is far easier to control, and having 15 rounds on tap is reassuring.
For a more experienced shooter, I like the 4" .357 Magnum revolver, whether it be a GP-100, S&W Model 586/686/19/66/27/28 Colt Python or Trooper.  Particularly if you handload.   I like the Ruger SP 101, too.  My personal choice would probably be my 4" S&W Model 28 for all purpose use, but I am grateful that I can choose between the Glock 19, Ruger SP101 .357, Smith Model 28 and Taurus PT1911.  Let's hope we will always have the option.  (join the NRA so we can keep it that way!)


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #128 on: May 25, 2011, 05:24:33 AM »
Having had time to ponder and read maybe a revolver chambered for 45 ACP that could use moon clips may be the best choice .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #129 on: May 25, 2011, 06:07:51 AM »
I am sure beginning to like the .41 mag.

Offline Eugene

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #130 on: May 25, 2011, 05:34:04 PM »
5" N frame 357, just for the interchangabiltiy of ammo, an N frame can take a beating from heavy heavy loads, but with a 38special wadcutter load for bunnies, super accurate and a dream to shoot, all day.

As for an Auto,

I had an STI, 6" bull barrel (fully Supported) on a 5" frame and slide, 38 super, loaded up to well above what the books said, it used to put out 125Gr Jacket HP at over 1600fps, shot flat, and held 19 in a mag that finished flush. I doubt there would be many 2 legged critters wanting to fight after a few of them coming thier way, I shot many goats and pigs, dropped as dead as any 357 or 44 I ever used, given it could not handle heavier weight projectiles like a wheel gun, but it worked very very well.

Long arm:

Remington 870, 8 shot mag and 28" barrel, do all you need.

Offline NickSS

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #131 on: May 27, 2011, 12:48:10 AM »
I have read most of the posts on this thread and enjoyed all the various opinions.  I love the 45 colt and 45 ACP cartridges and have several hand guns in both calibers.  They do some stuff really well and for self defense in the home, carry in the woods and trail, hunting big game (or even small game) they will do the trick.  However, every 45 colt revolver I own or have seen is a good hunk of iron and would be heavy and difficult to carry in a CCW mode except for when wearing a heavy coat. 
I have shot several Taurus judges and have seen other people shooting theirs.  I have to admit that at accros the room ranges either the 410 buckshot load or slug would be adequate for home defense.  With bird shot loads beyound about 10 to 15 feet the patterns are so blown that taking of small game would be doubtful.  As for the 45 colt in the Judge they are inaccurate beyound point blank range.  I have shot three of them with a 2  inch, 3 inch and 5 inch barrels and they all would scarcely keep a six inch grould at 15 yards and at 25 yards they were even worse.  Not only that but the gas blowby in the cylinder reduces the real velocity quite a bit.  I chronoed the loads I shot in the six inch Judge and compared them to the same loads shot in my 5.5 inch Uberti SSA.  The Judges velocity was over 125 fps slower than out of my SSA.  Therefore, with the exception of really close defensive situations to me the judge is worthless for any other practical use. 

So to answer the question for which there is really no good answer, I would choose a 4 inch 357 mag on a K frame size gun.  It would be practical to carry it CCW and do a reasonable job at most of the other uses.

Offline Snow on the Roof

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #132 on: May 28, 2011, 06:23:19 AM »
If I had to pick one handgun to live the rest of my life with, it would be a Ruger GP100 in 6" barrel and stainless.  Case closed,  Wallacem in Ga

I know I'm a new guy but I've read this entire thread and just had to comment. As to the original question  what is the best overall HG? Gotta go with the 4" .357 DA. Versatile round, easily handloaded, lots of factory brass around, hard to go wrong. I keep a loaded Ruger GP100 under the bed. Even my wife with her relative small hands can handle it deftly. In experienced hands with defense as your primary concern who can argue with a .45 ACP in one of the many 1911 clones?
As to the earlier post about the Taurus Judge, I'll admit I don't own one but there are certainly better choices chambered in the venerable .45 LC. My experience with the judge is more as an observer. For my profession I am a medical imaging technologist. Working with a busy semi-urban ER I have to opportunity to see quite a few gunshot wounds come in which provides me with a unique perspective on firearm effectiveness in a defence situation. First off don't discount the potential effectiveness of the lowly .22 longrifle, particularly at close range. That little pill will bounce around and wreck havoc in a thoracic cavity. Secondly even at 10 ft a 2.5" 410 shot load from the "judge" would not be my choice. I recently had a couple of "gentlemen" come in who where on the receiving end of .410 loads fired from a Judge. One took a round in the right flank, all pellets wounds where superficial  The second took a round in the shoulder and neck. His wounds where more serious than the first but he sufferred no venous or arterial damage and was released 2 days later. Both of the shooting victims walked in more than 30 minutes after the incident, what does that tell you about the "man stopping" ability of the .410 in a handgun.

Thank You for listening,


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #133 on: May 28, 2011, 07:28:21 AM »
If I had to pick one handgun to live the rest of my life with, it would be a Ruger GP100 in 6" barrel and stainless.  Case closed,  Wallacem in Ga

. I recently had a couple of "gentlemen" come in who where on the receiving end of .410 loads fired from a Judge. One took a round in the right flank, all pellets wounds where superficial 

Were these pellets birdshot? I would tend to agree that there are so many better chamberings for a handgun than .410 and a .45LC does not need such a long chamber. If a few pellets dissuade the dirt bag fine. I would prefer dissable myself.
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Offline 1911crazy

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #134 on: May 29, 2011, 06:08:34 AM »
I am sure beginning to like the .41 mag.

Exactly its not the  FPS (feet per second) speed of the bullet its the ft.lbs  (stopping power) with the 41mag having at least 800ft lbs of energy thats almost double what the auto's are(9mm mak, 9mm luger & 45acp).  I'm thinking why carry pistols with a gazillion rounds as backup when one round from a 41mag will stop just about anything for sure two legged or four legged on the spot.  Its being proven now on the battle field in this war that the 9mm luger isn't the stopper that everyone thought it was.  The 45acp is being reinterduced into the war again.  I believe the 223 round will die too in time along with the 9mm luger.  But thats another story.  For stopping power the 41mag is hard to beat.  CZY

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #135 on: May 29, 2011, 06:40:22 AM »
I am honest enough to admit that a 1911 is a lot easier to carry--both on the body and easier to carry conecealed.
I agree with what Eugene said about the STI and .38super but there is one much greater in a 1911 and that is the 9x23. loaded properly it excedes--leaves in the dust a .357.
the .41 is perfect, as far as caliber goes, it is the carrying that is the chore and its downfall.
For a walkabout field gun--the .41 beats the .357 and shoots easier.

Offline StrawHat

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #136 on: May 29, 2011, 02:46:12 PM »
In your opinion what is the best all-purpose hand gun?  ... Points to ponder: self/home defense & carry, hunting/woods/trail gun, practice & plinking, yes, it has to do it all. If the gun comes in different barrel lengths, be sure to include what length is your all-purpose length...

What has worked for me for is  4" skinny barreled N frame chambered for the 45 ACP.  Think M28 but in 45 ACP.  Defense, target work plinking and hunting, the 45 ACP revolver can do it all.
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Offline gs50401

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #137 on: July 03, 2011, 05:45:00 PM »
3" SP101  .357.

Offline williamlayton

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #138 on: July 04, 2011, 02:54:17 AM »
I am so thankful that we can have a bunch and are not limited to just one.

Offline Old Griz

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #139 on: July 04, 2011, 06:26:52 AM »
The question didn't say you were limited to one. It just asked what was the best "all purpose" gun.

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Offline williamlayton

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #140 on: July 04, 2011, 09:49:45 AM »
And I answered---but I am still thankful you are not limited.


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #141 on: July 05, 2011, 03:09:30 AM »
Could you imagine the perfection of a gun if it were the only choice ?  ;D
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Elwood

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #142 on: July 06, 2011, 11:29:03 AM »
I always liked my 1911 for all purpose but a few years ago my son bought a Smith & Wesson four inch barreled 686. For a all purpose handgun this is it. I like it.
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #143 on: July 06, 2011, 12:24:39 PM »
I agree.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #144 on: July 12, 2011, 06:28:02 PM »
I've never been able to come up with a "best all-purpose handgun".  I have quite a few, but these three fit most of the purposes I run into:
A Commander .45 ACP for social carry.
A 3" ASM SA .45 Colt with snakeshot for puttering around the garden and the lakeshore.
A 4 3/4" Blackhawk .45 Colt with heavy loads for "in the woods" time where feral swine and other alien entities abound.
I could probably compress it all down into one gun with different loads, which would be my 4" Smith M1917 .45 ACP with moon clips.  But it would not fill each purpose as well as the other individual guns do.

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #145 on: July 12, 2011, 06:35:38 PM »
+1  I have to agree  100%

Smith Model 19 357 4"
Butler Ford
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #146 on: July 13, 2011, 05:28:01 AM »
OK fine,I'll go buy that 357 Vaquero I've been looking at

This might also be the gun that last the longest and simple to repair.
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Offline temmi

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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #147 on: July 13, 2011, 08:23:36 AM »
I don’t really have an “All Purpose Gun”

Carry guns are small by nature

Home Defense guns can be bigger

Hunting Handguns tend to be more powerful revolvers…


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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #148 on: July 16, 2011, 07:14:50 AM »
I know you have had a lot of input but I had the same thing, I just wanted one gun to do the things you said and I got a Ruger 45lc 4 5/8" its not to big to cary, you can get ammo that will not go thru walls for home defense, you can use cowboy loads to plink with, and if you want to go all "BAD" buffalo bore will do it for you. Plus its a breeze to reload.
It's a Ruger so you got that going for you and it's not an expensive gun.

But like I said you have had a lot of good help, this just was my answer to the problem.

ps: you can get it with a 2nd cylinder in 45acp and there is a lot of cheep ammo for that.
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Re: Best "All Purpose" Gun
« Reply #149 on: July 16, 2011, 02:45:47 PM »
Recently had to make this decision FOR REAL.  The Mississippi was rising and local authorities were encouraging folks to pack up and prepare for the worst.  Being hard headed I descided to pack up the wife and kids and send them to safety with the In-laws over in Texas (By-God), while I stuck it out to defend against looters and look out for some of the other neighbors who are elderly and equally as hard headed.  I limited myself to one long gun and one handgun, the long gun was easy, AR-15 +200 rnds, handgun came down to a toss up between my 1911 .45 acp and my 57 S&W .41, both have their merits but it came down to I was thinking about spending a couple months wearing a sidearm 24/7 and the .45 totes better, also I have 2 boxes of CCI 45 ACP shotshells that are deadly on snakes and "up close" varmits.  It is easy to make a mag change before a snake can get away.  In that situation, for me, the .45 was the best "all around" choice.
Now if I was going to survive in the wilderness for a month, my choice would be my Browning Buckmark .22LR and one of my deer rifles.  Probably my Savage 110 .308.