Author Topic: .260 for plains game  (Read 826 times)

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Offline gusbus

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.260 for plains game
« on: November 29, 2003, 03:52:10 PM »
I am just starting to plan a 2005 African plains game trip.  Planning on Gemsbok, Impala, Springbok, Warthog, and maybe a Kudu.  I'm a big 6.5mm fan, would love to take my .260 Mountain Rifle loaded up with some 140g Partitions.

Is this sufficient for the game on my list?  Any thoughts JJ?

My guide is telling my .270 on up, he also specifically said .260 is good up to the gemsbok, but not for kudu.  I see lot's of plains game, inluding Kudu, being taken with a .270.  On paper, energy and trajectory between the 270 and 260 are nearly identical.

Any thoughts?

Offline JJHACK

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.260 for plains game
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2003, 05:02:17 PM »
Your only concern is leaving sufficent blood trails for animals which live in herds and thick bush. Pass on the springbok and shoot something else. Adding the springbok will put you about 6-8 hours from the other species mentioned and you will loose at least a full day of hunting with travel. There are other species living in the same habitat as the springbok but for a first time safari you should spend it in a location where the majority of game lives in my opinion, and hunt every day not drive all day. The nothern Province has no Springbok or Black wildebeast but it does have 28-30 other species. The most big game species in one location on earth!

Any centerfire with proper bullet placement will kill any animal. However killing them is not the only goal. Finding them is! If your a confident shot and understand anatomy that rifle and bullet combination is fine. It does not leave much margin for error and no blood trails but it can work if you do your part. I took two young boys this past season who both used a 243 and lost one impala out of about 12 animals. They killed 3 Kudu so I know small cartridges will work with proper placement. Remember that if you hit the animal you paid for it. Whether you find it or not. Keep that tid bit in the back of your mind when choosing your tools.

Offline LILED

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.260 for plains game
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2003, 01:39:18 PM »
 jjhack is right. If you hit it you paid for it. I took a 35 whelen to S. Africa 2 years ago. It worked great. Good luck on your planning you will love it.
