This recurring thread is at least entertaining. As it happens, I've been pondering this "which handgun in grizzly country" problem as well. Some friends are planning a back packing trip to Glacier National Park. As most readers of this site know, new regs make it possible to legally carry a handgun in beautiful country that also has a healthy population of the big bears. Let's be clear, the presence of these bears is a wonderful part of Park mystique. Still, coward that I am, there's a part of me that doesn't particularly relish being so low on the food chain.
Solution? Folks who live and work in these settings always remind us that prevention is the first key (which means being VERY careful about food, odors and any kind of sneaky walking etc.). O.K. That makes sense. Then, we're advised to purchase bear strength OC spray and given loads of data as to why that's much more effective than firearms for defense against bears (especially better than handguns!). Well, I guess it wouldn't make much sense to be in grizzly country without keeping the spray on one's person as a first option. For all kinds of reasons, it's preferable for all concerned to end an altercation without bloodshed...mine or the bear's.
Finally, we're reminded how rare it is to have a violent encounter with grizzlys. O.K. I accept the statistics. Of course the problem with statistics...even the one's that are that SOMEBODY has to be on the losing end. So if I'm among the .00001/100,000 unfortunates who has a bad day, how am I supposed to be comforted by that?
Now for the "what ifs". What if the wind is wrong for deployment of the wonderspray? What if spray alone doesn't dissuade the bear? What if zombies attack (oops, sorry, that's another thread).
I haven't decided if I can even go on the Glacier trip, but I'm gonna enjoy working on this problem, even if it's only in my own fertile imagination. Let's see, my 5.5" .44 Redhawk is strong enough, but it needs wheels for 7.5" .44 Super Blackhawk shoots great, but the barrel is unwieldy. I'd love to get a 629 Mountain Gun, but my wife is a more immanent threat than a grizzly, etc.