Hi, all! Maryland bowhunter/muzzleloader but H&R noob here, who's really glad to find the collective Greybeard wisdom!
Most MD counties are shotgun only for deer, as are almost all of the state managed hunts. So I'm thinking of a
cheap frugal way to get in on the fun--I have four kids and owe too many people too much money.

A single shot H&R makes the most sense to me, but I'm a little stuck on which route to take. I know I'm going with a 20ga., but having trouble sorting out the following options:
1. Ultra Slug Hunter $250 new, plus cost of scope (super gun, but a bit spendy in my current situation)
2. Tracker II $180 new (another great gun. my only reservation is recoil as it weighs five pounds vs. the USH's eight and has more drop in the stock, but with 1oz. sabots and a Sims slip-on pad, I think I'll be fine, right?)
3. Pardner or Topper smoothbore $60-100 used (
cheapest most frugal to buy & most frugal to run, since rifled slugs are far less than sabot loads, but I guess I have the most Qs about this option:
a. Will just a bead sight be adequate? I've read that people make it work...
b. What's the difference btw Pardners and Toppers? Which would you recommend?
c. If I got a fixed choke, which would be best, mod or full? Would full work with slugs AND turkey loads?
Sheesh! If you made it this far and have a minute or ten to weigh in, I'd sure appreciate it!