FWIW, the "best buy", dollar-wise is often not the best value (aka: bang for your buck).
Likewise, the best value is often not a best-buy, dollar-wise.
You need to decide what things are important to you, besides the ability to pop squills - which just about any gun can do, if properly instructed.

For example:
While some espouse a Ruger 10/22, and others a Marlin 60 (type) - take note of their magazines, and how that would effect YOU, and YOUR hunting situation.
The 10/22 has a detachable magazine, while the Marlin has a non-detachable tube-type.
If your situation is one where you move frequently between different hunting areas, loading/unloading the rifle several times a day, the advantages of a QD magazine should quickly become obvious,
If you hunt afoot, in a single area a day, the point is moot.
Another thing to consider would be whether or not YOU like the looks & handling of one particular make or config rifle over others - NO ONE really loves the Ugly Duckling for very long, but beauty is also in the eye of the beholder, and no one else.
There are other considerations, too - but those should be enough to prod your thoughts.