So you think you can meet fixed cost by selling less at a lower price ? If so then it would seem that the 12 or 35 million illegals are really really helping the economy while being here . I mean if they are selling more and getting way more than its worth now .
OH GEE, you are a democrat ! sorry ! one of the spend your way out of debt guys.
Wow Shootall you are so far off base with that statement that it is laughable. I have been in business for 30 years and currently have 6 offices with 47 (all legal) employees. We have weathered the economic ups and downs over 3 decades and I haven't had to lay anyone off. We all have seen a decline in certain benefits and I have taken several paycuts in order to keep the business intact.
In any business it is not the fixed costs that are the biggest is the employee costs. That is why employees are usually the first to feel it when the economy turns down.
Since you feel so strongly about fixed costs, please cite one example of any business that has raised its prices during a period of falling demand and oversupply and has been successful.
Democrat??? You know not of what you speak. "Spend your way out of debt"? Now you are just throwing out personal attacks (yes personal as everyone know that "spend your way out of debt" is a sign of stupidity).