I'll pipe up as a .454 Encore owner. I have a factory 12" .454 Casull Encore barrel, my only barrel for my Encore as a matter of fact (so far..., that .204 Ruger looks like Christmas next year...) I love my .454, I can shoot anything from 10 gr. of Unique and a 255 cast bullet to 370 gr. cast, 27gr. of H110 and it shoots great groups, as long as it likes the bullet. It's a big fan of the Hornady 300 gr. jacketed bullet as well, but cast is cheaper. The light Unique load shoots great out to 50 yd. or so with negligible recoil, I have a 300 gr. cast with 14 gr. Unique that shoot 1 1/2" groups at 100 yds and isn't too horrible to shoot. I had to work up to my heavy H110 loads, and the 370 and 320 gr. cast bullets shoot an into an inch or better at 100 yds, and for you skeptics I can provide photographic proof if you wish, I honestly didn't think they shoot that well. With a solid rest I can take out oil bottles at 175 yds and with my bipod 100 yds is easy, but a little shaky farther out. I use a 4x Leupold for all of my shooting, and I have a set of Denzel Roberts Recoil Tamer grips, it was the grips or a ported barrel, the grips look nicer and I can use them with any barrel I get, so I went with them and they are 1000% better than factory grips in reducing FELT recoil. If you like heavy calibers to play with, that .454 barrel is a fun one. I have some more loading data, but I hesitate to post it.