I am highly against legalizing it !!
First of all, alot of people say make it legal, and tax it. Several problems with that. First, if it gets real costly, what is keeping folks from growing it and selling it, un-taxed, for a cheaper price ( black market )?? Then, if it is grown commercially and licensed, through the state, there most certainly will be a maximum THC level ( the active ingrediant that makes one "high"). There are so many "super" strains of pot that has super high TCH, it would be like comparing beer with pure grain alcohol. So even if the State sells a legal version, there will still be a high ( play on words ) demand for the "super" versions, which seriously affect a person.
Also, comparing pot with alcohol is really an apples vs. oranges situation. A person can have an alcoholic drink, and stop there, completely sober, and function just fine. A person smokes pot to get High, pure and simple. By its nature, pot users tend to be lazy, non-productive drains on society, with poor parenting skills, etc.
Those with small kids, would you want them baby-sat by someone stoned, or walking/biking and being passed by a motorist who is "high" ??
Do you want someone who is "high" to have worked on the airplane you flew on, or done work on the semi that if behind your vehicle, etc. etc. The "super" strains are so potent, one or two hits simply puts a user into a stupor.
One of the problems with drug enforcement is the term "war on drugs". I don't know the origin of it, but it would be like saying we have a "war on bank robbery", "war on domestic violence", etc. etc. "war" is simply a poor word/term to use.
Do I think a person holding a small amount of pot for personal use should be jailed....no, a simple infraction/confiscation would be fine. Those growing large amounts, selling, etc. should be hammered. And...where is the line drawn...cocaine...crack...heroin....etc.?? Pot can easily by made synthetic and that be given to medicl patients, there is no need for the plant.
Yea, we have booze, but most people don' realize, that during prohibition, personal comsumption of alcohol decreased, and after prohibition was lifted, usage went up, dramaticlly. Yea, prohibition created a criminal element...so after prohibiton was lifted, do they go straight...nope, bank robbery, numbers, prostitution, kidnapping ( till it bacame a federal offense, and not do-able )., etc.
Same now with the "cartels", if some sort of pipe-dream ( play on words) would put them out of the pot business, does anyone really think that those folks would go straight...not a chance in h... .they'd simply to move on to other criminal endevors.
OK, off my soapbox.