A lot of truth and wisdom in what you say there William. My real concern is when somebody, perhaps a stranger even..decides to make a choice that can kill or injure someone I hold dear.
Truly today, "no man is an island"...For instance, we are all suffering financially and in OUR choices simply because quite a number of our fellow citizens have swallowed the "global warming" poison pill. How much have we lost, simply because so many have fallen for just such a fairy tale ?
Somebody "chooses' to drink or take some form of mind-bending dope...and then drive; that can have dramatic ill effects upon me or mine. Someone once said:
"you can swing your own fists around as much as you wish, that's YOUR business; but at the point where they contact my nose...then it becomes MY business". ...Suddenly, retribution is in order..
But retribution is a little solace for a lost loved one...prevention seems a safer, more equitable route for all concerned.
As far as keeping mind-bending drugs illegal and punishing perpetrators;... "An OUNCE of prevention, is worth a POUND of cure".
I much prefer potecting the innocent, over coddling the guilty...but that's just my $.02
Not talking about someones actions while being impaired!
You can be impaired on legal prescription drugs. No one should get behind the wheel under these conditions.
Some do, and most don't!
The question is..........Should it be decriminalized for the use,limited possession, and limited growing?
The cost to American tax payers for the war on drugs has been astronomical, and it has been a total failure, so why not take some of the burden off by decriminalizing the less detrimental drug of them all. It's a natural plant! The Government cannot stop the cultivation of it, or the use of it, so why bother? Hell's Bell's it's legal to make beer at home for your own use. Is growing a plant to smoke any worse?
I grew up in a era in America where even a child could buy narcotics across the counter. "No Kidding" I remember buying Paregoric, and other opium and alcohol laced drugs for my Mother at a local grocery.
They worked wonders on Coughs, diarrhea, tooth aches, and other problems associated with raising children.
Most of us didn't grow up to be addicts because of it. That came about with the following generation.
Drug abuse was almost unheard of in rural America back then (1950's). Back before the Federal Government stuck their money grubbing noses in it.
Like Alcohol and tobacco, stop the sale of it to minors. Make this the crime, not the use of it by an adult.