Years ago grasshoppers were about to wipe out my garden. I tried everything, nothing worked. I would hit them full force with a blast of poisen, and if you watched they would drop to the ground and writhe around for awhile but then eventually they would shake it off and go back to eating my veggies hungrier than ever. Finally out of frustration I started whacking them with my Daisy. In just a few evenings shooting and you could start to see a difference, not so many hoppers and there were dead ones laying around, which I never saw when I was trying to poisen them. I think I saved my garden with my BB gun that year.
This year the hoppers are back, and I don't think I've ever seen them this bad in my life. County ag. people call it an infestation of Biblical proportions. They have completely defoliated some apple trees I planted this spring. Rows of carrots and onions have disappeared without a trace. Now my gardens are way larger than I had when I used to work for a living, so trying to save them is pretty much out of the question, but I've taken up the Daisy again.
This time all I'm looking for is a little payback. I'm a wanton murderer, I don't finish off the ones I've maimed, missing a leg now Charlie, get a crutch. I delight in seeing them fly apart into multiple pieces. No such thing as giving them a sporting chance, if I can put the barrel to the back of their heads, there's one that won't get away. I've gone through most of a 2500 count pack of BBs now and I may be able to save one row of golden bantam sweet corn I had my mouth set for, but at least I will have fought back.