Author Topic: What say you about a Gaucho in 45lc  (Read 1215 times)

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What say you about a Gaucho in 45lc
« on: July 31, 2010, 07:40:04 PM »
What is the opinion of the a Taurus Gaucho S.S.matte finish in 45 long colt. Are they worth having? I located one for $300.00. It is clean and tight. I have a Uberti in 45lc. how do the compare?  Thanks 26-t

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Re: What say you about a Gaucho in 45lc
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2010, 05:41:38 AM »
44Man had two that he really liked.  I'm sure he'll chime in here sooner or later.   ;D

Oops!   :o  Don't know as if they were SS though...  :-[
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Re: What say you about a Gaucho in 45lc
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2010, 05:53:22 PM »
Mine is blued, not SS, but it is a great gun. Don't see why there would be any difference between the two metals. The sharply checkered plastic grips will put a blister on the heel of your hand quickly. At least that was my experience but a set of smooth wood grips cured that problem.

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Re: What say you about a Gaucho in 45lc
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2010, 11:05:46 AM »
Well, I'm a little late in here so I hope you bought that gun.  I have a blued Gaucho .45 and had two SS one's and loved them all!  I let the two bright SS one's go to buy a Colt SAA that I thought I needed.  I wish now I had kept the Gaucho's, but that's another story.  (it seems kind of silly now thinking about it to trade two guns that shot well for one that doesn't shoot any better just because it has a pony on the side of it)  Ah, but I thought I just had to have it at the time!  I do still have my blued 5 1/2" Gaucho .45 and it is one of the guns I plan never to sell or trade.  It's an excellent shooter with a nice action and feel.  And it doesn't hurt that I can also carry 6 rounds.  When I want to walk in the woods, I usually leave the Colt behind and carry the Gaucho.  I like my Gaucho!  Don't listen to all of the nay-sayers out there.  I have heard no complaints at all about the Gaucho.  44 Man

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Re: What say you about a Gaucho in 45lc
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2010, 11:35:06 AM »
I have one in 357 magnum and love it,the only problem I had with mine was it  hit about 3" to the left but that was an easy fix.I thought I  was getting light primer strikes but it turned out that I had some bad primers.If I come across any more of them I'll do my best to own them.
XLI the one to go with.

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Re: What say you about a Gaucho in 45lc
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2010, 07:56:47 AM »
We had a few in the gunstore I used work in. Never fired them but their actions felt good. I would buy one.