Keep voting for a 3rd party and split the conservative and moderate vote, and we end up with liberals and democrats every time. At least keep it moving to the right, or try, or try to stay middle until we can get it to the right. Reagan was a conservative, BUT his entire time in office he had Democratic house. Remember the fights between him and Tip O'neal, speaker of the house. He got his military spending to bankrupt the Soviet Union, but he had to compromise with Tip on domestic spending. He did get his tax cuts, which stimulated the economy for 20 years. He did start the 401(k) plan for workers to invest for their future. Remember Clinton pushed to deregulate the banks in 1998 so everyone could buy a home. It kept the stimulation going, but when gasoline doubled in price by 2008 people had to choose between buying gas to go to work and a house payment they didn't have a down payment on, and the ARMs came due, started in the early 2000's by the deregulated banks. So, they walked away from their mortgages and went back to renting somewhere cheaper or back home to their parents. Banks started failing because of the mortgage crisis. Well, you know the rest. Republicans warned that if something wasn't done about the unrestricted mortgage business, we would have bank failures. Even Bush warned about this. Nothing was done, people partied on. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are the one's since 2006 in charge of the banking and finance committees who were warned, and nothing done. Sorry, but at least Republicans tried to do something, but the liberal controled news media, wouldn't talk about it.