Author Topic: More Yugo sks's at SOG  (Read 3285 times)

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Offline 1911crazy

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More Yugo sks's at SOG
« on: August 06, 2010, 07:57:16 AM »
SOG is offering another batch of Yugo sks's if you missed them in the past of course we have higher prices on them now too there not $149 for the unissued ones.  I'm sure the prices will go much higher soon now that these are much higher from the importers.  I think Samco global arms still had the yugo's too.  I don't think we will see much more of the military surplus guns from europe because of the european union smashing whats left so they don't arm us usa citizens even more.  I have no clue as to what the future of our sport holds but we will see the turn around from the older collectors.

Here's the skibby on the SOG yugo sks's;

#SKS-M5966SC  Yugo unissued excellent sks 59/66 with accessories  $329.95 (1)  @ $319.99 (2 or more) Retail $499.99

With the retail of the yugo 59/66's being at $499.99 were do you think the other sks prices are going? (russian/ romanian/ albanians/ chinese) ??????  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Like i predicted we will see a $750 to $1,000 sks soon i'm sure.  The yugo's haven't dried up yet and the prices are soaring... ::) :o :o :o :o ::) ::) ::) ::) :o :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D

SKS History that you won't see on the history channel;
I remember when the first chinese norinco sks was offered to us for $1,000 at first.  Then they didn't sell probably because of this new weird caliber of 7,62x39.  They the prices dropped to just $59 and the dealer got a free 1440rd case of 7,62x39 ammo with it.  My buddy who was a dealer passed the deal on to me.($59 rifle w/ammo).  When the yugo sks arrived the 59/66's were offered for $1,200 at first before the flood of them.  Some did purchase them to have the braggin rights.  Again when the high pries were refused the prices dropped so they would sell. Then Century arms tested the waters with the ufixem's yugo model 59 sks to see if there was a market for these.  These were only $79 at the time and the safety levers were broken on most of them.  Then the flood of unissued yugo model 59's were offered to us too. Besides the different conditions/grades of the yugo 59/66 and the 59/66A1's.  My point is to make you aware of the next new sks that may hit our shores from a different country so your aware of the high priced scam at first that may happen if history repeats itself a third time.  My point is to put the brakes on purchasing them until the price comes down again.  Be smart, be frugal and shop smart...... ;D                           Crazy...but frugal too

Offline 1911crazy

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2010, 11:18:39 AM »
I'm very surprised that so many gun collectors and owners don't own an sks yet??  I have no clue as to why there waiting so long to get one.  I'm sure if you shot your buddy's sks you would jump on one right a way. These are fun guns to plink with too.

Offline Texbguy

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2010, 02:49:32 PM »
I saw a real nice one at a gun show a few weeks ago. Sure was tempted

Offline dieselman

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2010, 10:10:37 AM »
Yea and my wife gave me the look of death when I told her several years ago I was gona pay $120 for my yugo sks, she said that much for an old wore out gun, (and it was in unissued condition) now she see's the price of them goin up and ask when I'm gona sell (never)..

Offline Littlepage

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2010, 05:48:25 PM »
I think sks prices will always stay just below AK prices. (I'm not saying AKs are better.)  If the two were the same price, most people would buy a AK.

Offline 1911crazy

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2010, 07:48:30 AM »
Knowing what i know today i'd still buy both the AK/AKM and the SKS.  Because one is a machined steel receiver and the other is a sheetmetal stamped receiver.  There were some sks's that are stamped sheetmetal but there rare. I passed on a few of them.  I would hang on to mine for as long as i can then pass them down to family members when i get older.  I'm sure they will enjoy the hobby that i started for them.

This unissued yugo sks is still a good buy its a rearsenaled sks still unshot in new condition. The prices will only go up anyway.

If the yugo sks in unissued condition is a list price of $499.99  whats the other brands of sks worth?

There were three different yugo sks's, the M59 (no gernade launcher), the 59/66 and the 59/66A1.  The M59 & 59/66A1 were offered in unissued condition.  I think the 59/66 was only offered in excellent condition.  One model came with the log book too I think it was the 59/66A1's. I'm not sure how much these are worth with the log books today.

No one manufactured so many different models of the sks like the chinese did but the yugoslav's are a close second with so many different military versions.

I know some are on the fence about getting an sks or stuck between a new saiga in 7,62x39 or the sks i say get both if you can. You probably will anyway.

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2010, 04:31:47 PM »
yugo 59/66 should go for about $275 (max) in excellant shape.
chinese ones go for anywhere from $200 to $300 depending on a few factors.
russian ones are usually in the $350 - $400 range.
go to and do a search for "SKS" in the rifle section. some of the prices in this thread are sorta
i just bought a "plain jane" chinese in excellant shape for $260. i think i got $240 in my yugo and it is spotless. the sks is a very fun gun to shoot and collect but it is not an expensive gun unless you get into some of the "oddball" ones. basically if you spend more than $300 on a "shooter" in very good+ shape, then you got a bad deal. by no means am i am expert but the sks is one of my guns of main interest so i do know more than the average "gun nut" about them.
Blackdirt Kennels

Brian Joiner

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Offline gandog56

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2010, 12:49:54 AM »
I think sks prices will always stay just below AK prices. (I'm not saying AKs are better.)  If the two were the same price, most people would buy a AK.

I'm greedy, I got BOTH! ;D

Offline budman46

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2010, 10:34:31 AM »
ouch, got one about four years ago in fabulous condition for $80...commercial, steel case ammo was the same price for 1000 rds...delivered. the only current bargains in long guns are the mosin 91/30s and maybe the steyr 95s.

these days, if i see what looks like a bargain, i buy so i don't moan later about price increases. my collection sure grows that way, but my wife understands my affliction. what i bought at bargain-basement prices have appreciated substantially and she knows it.


ignorance is fixable...

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2010, 01:07:18 PM »
One of my local dealers has been priced way higher on the surplus military stuff lately.  He sold two norinco sks's in excellent condition for around $500 each.  He sold a swede mauser priced the same too.  Some of the bolt actions are between $275 to $400+ too.  He actually sells this stuff priced like that.  I already see the mosins on gunbroker/auctionarms for $200+ already and there not even dried up yet, the whole salers still have them for around $90 to $100.

You still may get good deals here and there but i'm sure the prices will catch up sooner or later on everything so its time to get what you want now when you see it because down the road there's some big changes comming price wise. The proof is when the other sellers see the SOG list prices thats going to start the wildfire on higher prices here we go.

I think i'll rate the sks's price wise and for quality;

1. Russian/Chinese Norinco sks (equal in quality/price/ but i give the chinese the edge on quality and so many models)
2. Albanian sks  (only because there weren't that many manufactured and not that many imported here)
3. Romanian sks  ( these seem to be still popping up every now and then, so there not rare or dryed up yet)
4. Yugo sks  (No chrome lined barrel so its last/ plus there still being offered)

If the yugo is last with its $499 list price were are all the others going price wise?  I heard on another site some sks just sold for $700.  This maybe a trend starting. We need to watch the surplus market very closely for what we want now.

I'm not trying to sell my sks's nor raise the prices i'm just looking into the future prices without using a crystal ball going by the new list prices were seeing and whats being sold.  Gentlemen we may have gold soon in our hands.

Now my past predictions of the future prices on sks's of a $750 to $1,000 sks may happen soon does $700 seem close???  Its starting already. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2010, 03:42:43 PM »
You can put what ever price on them you want, it doesn't mean people are buying.  I tried to sell a mint yugo sks with all numbers matching along with a K31 swiss a month ago on gunbroker. I have two of each and decided I needed the room more than I needed the guns.  I was asking $250 each for both. I thought these prices were more than fair and this was cheaper than what you can order them from the wholesalers.  I never got even so much as a bite.  I just decided to keep them.   If nobody is selling, then the prices  you see on these guns means nothing. I bet a $500 Yugo would sit a long time.  Anything is hard to sell right now with this economy.  There are just no jobs in my area and everyone is out of work.  I don't see the market realy doing anything until the economy comes back.

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2010, 06:16:27 PM »
What do you think would happen to prices if the feds let Norinco import again?  Not just SKS but AKs, M14s, etc.

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2010, 07:22:29 AM »
I have owned a chinese sks, russian sks, and a romanian ak.  I still have the russian.  It is like new and i didnt pay that much for it.  Those seem way out of line on the price.

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2010, 10:17:34 AM »
What do you think would happen to prices if the feds let Norinco import again?  Not just SKS but AKs, M14s, etc.

I think the prices would go even higher so the middleman would make more $$ afterall its the american way. Its not the gas station owners making the big profits.

I wish we would see the polytech M14 again.

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2010, 04:29:18 PM »
If they flood the market prices would go down. Why are mosin nagant so much cheaper than other military bolt actions? Is it because there are so may on the market?  I wish I could buy a mauser for the same price as a mosin.

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2010, 05:05:53 PM »
Once when the russian were hitting $400 to $500 before the yugo & albanian sks's and when the yugo sks hit our shores it drove the sks prices back down.  They been down but climbing for the past few years.  But if the chinese sks hits our shores again the demand can drive the prices higher.  Its a matter of how bad you want one and how high price wise you will go to get one.  Some had bragging rights for the very first yugo sks's at $1,200 when they first arrived.  I don't really think the market will be flooded with the chinese imports started again like the yugo's have flooded the market for the past decade.  I think the importers will sit on them to drive the prices up.  They did that with the finnish mosins or tried to do it a while back.

All we can do is to watch the net for military surplus gun prices and your local gun and pawn shops to see were the prices are going. The way it looks there going up more and more.

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2010, 05:44:41 PM »
A good many years ago now, and at the urging of my son in law, I bought a case of 10 SKS, (Chinese) on the last day of a gun show.  The guy threw in a 1000 rounds of ammo.

My son in law said he could sell a few and get the money back.  He sold all of them for double what I paid, and it was a year or two before I got around to buying myself one.

Truth be told, these are very good weapons within their intended purpose.  They are not bench rest rifles, they are made to kill and maim, and are accurate for that purpose.  They are also a lot of fun to just go out and shoot! ;D
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2010, 04:28:03 PM »
Remember its the yugo's thats keeping the prices lower right now, we just seeing the tip of the iceberg with the climbing prices. Remember the swiss k31's were only $79 at first too right?

Offline gandog56

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Re: More Yugo sks's at SOG
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2010, 05:15:05 PM »
I foresaw what you know who getting elected would do to gun prices, so I got my unissued Yugo before he was elected for $200. ;D