Seems everybody has a tiny pocket .380 out these days. Kel-tec makes the original and cheapest ones (though I've heard nothing too bad about their quality - just have the lowest price), but Ruger, S&W, Taurus, Kahr, SIG and I'm sure several others have em out too.
FWIW, I own the Ruger LCP pocket .380. I've got mixed feelings about it. It feels well built for a polymer gun (naturally it's got that plasticky feel, but the attention to detail is good). I've only put 100 rounds through mine, but function was great.
Problem for me with the Ruger is I can't hit anything with it. It's small size (which is necessary for the level of concealability they're going for) is just bad for me. I can't get as good a grip on it as I'd like. Trying to do so resulted in the first slide cut I've ever gotten shooting semi-autos.
Who knows. Maybe a different one would feel better in my hands. Just for me, even when shooting with an extended grip floor plate, the Ruger doesn't feel right to me.
I'm personally looking at the Kahr CW9 as a possible carry replacement. It's still pretty small, but has a little more grip to hold on to. I'll probably keep the Ruger either way though. With a Desantis Nemesis holster I can drop it into my back pocket and it's no more uncomfortable than a wallet back there.
Ive been considering a LCP. It would be great to carry in those cases where I just cant reasonably carry a full sized 1911. I guess I COULD go to the beach with it carried open,its legal here (and the cops have never harassed me about it either. Maybe there is some sort of state law in Utah that you cant harass someone for carrying something designed by JMB.

Officer "You cant be carrying that here. Its against the law!"
Citizen "What are you talking about,open carry is legal in Utah,I have a permit and everything!"
Officer "No,open carry is fine. Im talking about that plastic nerf gun thing on your hip. Would you let your grand-dad see you carrying that thing."
Citizen "Uhh errr Im sorry,I didnt know I uh errr will errrr carry something else I guess"
Officer "See that you do. Im going to let you off with a warning,but damn it son,get a mans gun like a 1911 or a Browning Hi Power. Heck,even a FN Browning 1910 would be fine."
Citizen "Uhhh I got an A5 I could sling over my shoulder"
Officer "Now your talking!"