Many times on other forum boards, this question or one like it comes up. I am an instictive shooter un-orthidoxed shooter, as I do not use my arrow tip or shaft to aim with. I was talking with a buddy of mine in Hawai'i who said to use a laser dot projected on a target bale at night. I also incorperated a style of checking consistancy using a walk back method while doing this test.
That walk back method is basicly, shoot an arrow at 10 yards, then step back to 12 yards, then 15 yards, then 18 yards and end at 20 yards. So I started at 15 yards, stepped back to 18, then to 20 for 2 arrows. I stopped at 20 yards simply because I don't bowhunt with a traditional beyond that and that is my call.
Some call it just plain snap shooting, quick anchor and release or another name by them is fine with me. Lets call it just plain instinctive shooting. At some point it is a quick anchor of such, no matter if it is at your mouth corner or right breast. But it is a
fundimental of shooting as such. I underlined the first three letters of
fundimental, because it is fun to do and there are those that would take the fun out of some one elses style of shooting because it don't work for them.
I used a laser level light, that has a magnetic bottom so I could secure it to the metal of my gazebo. I projected it onto a target bale, and it was 10:30pm dark here and I could not see my bow or arrow, and had to feel for the index feather out on the string.
I have my shooting lane marked off with white tubes, that I could see so I know where certain ones are, at the yardages indicated.
I started at 15 yards, then 18 then figured why not back to 20 yards and then shot a 4th arrow just to make sure. I knew from the sound of my arrows hitting the bale target they had hit the bale, but I could not see where. The picture below, was and is the end result to my way of shooting.
Taken without flash, and then taken with flash.
I simply shoot, my way of style because it works. I know what Pappa Bear said:
I am a snap-shooter. That is true, except that I want to point out that there are two kinds of snap-shooters. Snap-shooting, as a general rule, develops from an attack of what is called “freezing,” and freezing is a triggering of the release hand by the eye. It is an involuntary triggering of these muscles that releases the arrow before you want to. The difference between the snap-shooter who has this affliction and one who does not is that if a full draw is not reached, no accuracy can result. In my own case, I always come to a full draw. There is no pause when I get there; the arrow is gone. If I try to hold, I cannot hit the target. I have suffered from this business of freezing. I went through three years of agony with it. - Fred Bear
I'm not a paper target shooter/archer, I am a bowhunter and practice for bowhunting and that
alone. The First Shot of the Week events are fun to do, so I do them and welcome more members to participate in the fun, shoot your style in your
fundimental way of shooting. There are times I have my bow almost horizontal/flat just looking at the target, other times my bow is between 2 and 3 O'clock on my hold as I have practiced what I do so many times I have lost count simply because it works.
Just remember, keep the word
fun in it, and shoot your way and remember that your way is not the only way of shooting and that is why I stated in my post that I shoot un-orthidoxed because it works for me.