I'm completely traditional now and haven't used pins in a long time. However there was a time in my journey as bowhunter that I did shoot and hunt with compounds. I started out with 4 pins set at 20, 30, 40 and 50 and yes on my range I could make good 50 yard shoots. It was what happened when I actually took a 50 shot at a deer that changed my mine about shooting game at that range. Even with the fastest compound an arrow is in the air a long time on a 50 yard shot. I'm sure most of you have seen videos of how fast a deer can move on a 20 yard shot, well they can move a whole lot more on a 50 yard shot. I was young and felt I could make this shot on a doe, so I let it fly. The doe was not affected by the release, or at least that is how it seemed. Even so, the arrow was in the air long enough for her to take one step forward and that was all it took to make this shot a bad shot. I was lucky enough to recover that deer, but after that decided it was unethical to attempt shots on game animals at that range and won't shoot past 30 yards (20 yards now with my longbow). 3D shoots sure, I'll take the 50 yard shots, but never actual hunting.
I then took 3 of the pins off and set a lone pin at 25 yards. With practice I could still make the 50 yard shots during 3D shoots. Having 1 pin also eliminated any chance I'd pick the wrong pin in an actual hunting situation. It worked for me, but that is me, so y'all do what works best for each of you.