Even the welfare boys when they go to the liqour store for their Budweiser, and Mad Dog 2020.
A) Budweiser and Mad Dog 20/20 aren't typically sold at liquor stores. Most state laws require that spirits (liquor) be sole at a separate venue from beer (Budweiser) and fortified wines (Mad Dog).
B) Spirits, aka the goods at the liquor stores, are some of the most heavily taxed items in existence. The tax is already reflected in the marked prices, since it's by volume rather than by price, but depending on the price you're paying (particularly the cheap stuff) taxes on liquor can easily reach 25-40% (this is the real reason why the government doesn't allow home distilling even in modern times when it's relatively easy to do safely). Everyone who shops at the liquor store is paying through the nose in taxes already.
Not saying I disagree with a flat tax, just pointing out a few quips. Well, kinda. If they do away with property taxes then I'd technically be out of a job (I work with computer systems built to calculate and bill property taxes
), but without that bias I don't have a problem with flat tax. Realistically though, it'd likely be a LOT higher than 15%. If it was the only tax we were paying, I'd fully expect such a tax to be more in the realm of 25-30%.
All of it runs into problems though. Shift to sales only tax and a recession would REALLY cripple the government. When the economy gets in trouble, people tend to stop spending money on all but the necessities. When all government income is based on spending, the population having a tight purse becomes a problem. You also run into a problem with high income individuals who tend to sit on their money. Someone earning billions per year who spends little of it would be paying a pittance in taxes, as the majority of their income is stagnating, not stimulating the economy nor tax base.
Truthfully, I have no problem with a flat INCOME tax if we actually went through and either fully embraced deportation OR amnesty with full documentation moving forward (ie, I don't care if we let the illegals stay or kick them out, but either way we need to get to only employing fully documented and legal workers). Flat income tax would be just that though - flat. No deductions, no EIC, etc. Every pays a flat percentage and thats that.