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Offline Double D

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Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« on: August 13, 2010, 05:36:57 PM »

You will not see any of the Morko pictures on the board.  I have deleted the albums containing them.

A member of this forum, hijacked the url's and posted them on another forum without permission or accreditation.  

I am a member and infrequent visitor of the other board and happened to notice it.

The material posted here on GBO is copywrited material. You will find information posted here in the GBO Copyright Notices



All content here at Graybeard Outdoors (herein as GBO) is copyrighted material, no reproduction or display of the material located at GBO can be used with out the written consent of the copyright holder. Material posted by the GBO Administrators is copyrighted Graybeard Outdoors Enterprises unless otherwise noted. All content posted by members and/or moderators is copyrighted by that member or moderator.

All posts to the GBO forums are considered "Intellectual Property", this is copyrighted material and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or part to be displayed unless on the GBO web site without the original authors permission.

To the person who did this I suggest you go over to that other board and delete the pictures.  

If it isn't done in the next day or two I will ask Graybeard to ban you.

Offline Double D

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2010, 05:51:57 PM »
I have deleted the old Morko Album so all the links are now broken.  I will re upload all the pictures and attempt to repost all the pictures I can find.  Please be patient.

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2010, 01:35:05 PM »
who was that moron ??
I had almoast $ 800 in costs to take those pictures
trevelling costs
lost of income

I did id because I promissed gary to do it
it was a fun trip , but a bit expensive

and now someone else is using them without my knowledge
you can either buy the copyrighjt from me or settle in court
its up to you now to decide what should happened

dd please pm me the name and contact info for this person
what website are they on ??
Dan Pettersson
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Offline Double D

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2010, 02:30:07 PM »
I have been in contact with the Administrators of the other board.  They have taken the post down.

The did suspend my access when I made the following post.

It's a shame XXXX didn't ask per mission to post the pictures first. I would have gladly posted them.
He hijacked my bandwidth without permission or accreditation.
The pictures were taken from a copyrighted site.

Here is the email they sent me, but only after I inquired:

Dear Mr. Dickens,

I am presently working on identifying what components of your claimed intellectual property must be removed from the thread you reported before I can restore the non-offending components.

It is correct to report offending posts, although your 4 reports did not contain sufficient information to make my investigation efficient.

Unfortunately, you chose to publicly shame another forum member at the conclusion of that thread:

It's a shame xxxx didn't ask per mission to post the pictures first. I would have gladly posted them.
He hijacked my bandwidth without permission or accreditation.
The pictures were taken from a copyrighted site.

While I well understand your frustration and anger at the misappropriation of your materials, the forum rules do prohibit public criticism of other members even if the criticism may be justified. From the content of your post, I cannot help but wonder if I have somehow been made a dog set upon chasing its own tail.
I would anticipate restoration of your forum privileges at the conclusion of my investigation and clean-up activities.

Here is my response to that email:

Sufficient proof.  Lets see, first there is a link to my personal Fototime log on which is not XXXX. And no one questions him about that and his difficulty posting—new guy needing help or ? .  Then when XXXXXXXXX helps fix things so the pictures would show, he doesn’t inquire why XXXX can’t post them.  I don’t think XXXXXXXXX is a Moderator, so he couldn’t be responsible, but he is abetting. Then I believe XXXXXXXXX posted my full name as the owner. XXXX goes on and is a bit vague about where these pictures came from or what they are.  The links the posted are the type links that come from pop up links taken from another Forum-they are indirect links.  Any link in that entire thread that sources Fototime is my picture. So many red flags.

Your report thread icon is not very obvious, but I did finally find it.  You probably don’t have much control over that as it part of the software.

Shame him.  I feel I complied very well with your rules. “If you disagree with another member's point of view, do so in a mature and civil manner. Civility and respect towards other participants are unconditionally expected”     I thought I was being exceedingly polite.  Did he complain?  Did any one complain?  

I understand your policy about being polite it’s a good rule.   Shaming him would have been to call him a thief and that would not have been polite.  To call him on taking my material after it was posted for a long period of time, almost 2 months, under very suspicious circumstance and not being questioned by moderators, now there is a shame. You really shouldn’t blame me for being outraged at being a victim, when the real cause is inadequate moderation. Yes I know it says your moderators can’t review everything.  I sort of understand that, you have so few moderators. Might this point out the need for more?  The warning signs were in the post as outlined above and if you had sufficient moderators they should have taken action well before I said anything.  I do not think I should be penalized for claiming my property. .  I shouldn’t be blamed for inadequate moderation.

XXX blatantly violated your board rules on copyrighted material and stole my copyrighted material and I am to be accountable?    I will deal with the violation on my board.  He most likely will be banned.  

It would also be polite, if when you suspend someone you tell them, and just not cut them off without notice. Further it would be helpful to post a contact party to your board outside the log on page so one can ask questions.  If you can't log in, now, you can't contact anyone. I was only able to contact you via the email address found in a confirmation message when I updated my profile.  

When you are through I would appreciate being restored and notified.  I will again refer folks from my board over to your board to read and participate in the Morko discussion.

Yes as you surmise, I do moderate on other boards and do understand the need and difficulty in unbiased moderation.  I fully understand you are the arbiter and interpreter of your rules and will submit to you’re your decision on this matter.  


I also sent them a link to the page of photo's so they can review the post and identify the hijacked pictures.  The have been explicitly told they do not have permission to post the pictures. If you guys see the pictures some where let me know.  Dan owns the pictures and sent them to me for posting here to share with you guys.  Technically I hold the copyright.  I will not post them anywhere with out Dans express permission.

I have sent a PM to the person I suspect here of the violation, but I have not heard back from him. When I hear from him, I will decide what the next step is.  It depends a lot on what he has to say.  Final decision will be up to Graybeard.

It will take a while to get the picture restored to the posts.

Offline gulfcoastblackpowder

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2010, 05:38:04 AM »
When I read this, I had to stop and think about if I were the offender.  I'm glad I wasn't.  I posted my copyrighted pictures on another forum, and Gary posted an additional picture, which I think was likely with permission, though I don't know, and since it is hosted on his photobucket account, it was possibly obtained directly from Dan.  I did post a link to your picture gallery here when I enhanced the scribe markings on the side of the Morko, and posted my modified pictures to the board, but it was cited, though I ended up rehosting the image on my photobucket account due to technical difficulties and reciting accordingly.

The key to copyrighted information use is not even in asking permission, though I know I wouldn't want people to use my pictures without letting me know, so I can see how they were used or the responses received.  The real requirement is citation.  Provided the source is properly referenced, it is fair game.  Most people online forget about the value of information, even though that's what the internet is about.  When I post copyrighted information from a website, I generally try to add a direct link and try to include the name of the source in my post.  There are many forms of appropriate citation, but this is my preferred, as it doesn't interrupt the flow of your post, but fully credits the original source.

I hope this is fully resolved, and I hope this thread will serve to remind people to be more careful with how they deal with information online.

Offline Double D

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2010, 06:08:36 AM »
Generally accepted practice is Copyrighted material my be excerpted and quoted with citation.  Reposting with in this board does not violate board copyright rules.

The Morko pictures I have posted are Dan's property and are posted with his permission.  When I post them here they are my copyright. Dan has not given me permission to post them anywhere else.  If I post his pictures  anywhere else I am most likely in violation of his copyright. 

For greater detail on copy right law, suggest you contact an attorney and he will give you his interpretation.

Dan shared the pictures with Gary.  I don't know what agreement Gary has with Dan, that is between them.

The person who I suspected lifted the pictures has admitted he did it innocently, with good intention and has apologized to me.  I have ask him to apologize to Dan.  After he has done that, I will decide then what further action, if any, to take.

The board where the pictures were posted has taken down the pictures involved.  The did suspend me for their board for this post:

It's a shame XXXX didn't ask per mission to post the pictures first. I would have gladly posted them.
He hijacked my bandwidth without permission or accreditation.
The pictures were taken from a copyrighted site.

I also clicked on the report this post icon on each post containing my pictures.

They are very strict about conflict and decorum on their board and I should have done nothing more than report the post.  It is their board, and if I wish to post there, I must follow there rules.  They have said I will be restored once they have the sorted out the post.

..and you guys thought I am a tyrant. 


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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2010, 07:21:45 AM »
Some of what we see on here can be really exciting, and some of us may get carried away at times wanting other people to know about it.  It's understandable how someone may have wanted to share some of Dan's pictures with other boards.  I wanted to share Gary's work with people on the other board I posted my pictures to, and asked him about it before I did, even though they are my pictures and I have full rights to use them as I see fit.  In doing so, I got Gary to sign up as a member of that forum, and he was able to comment further on his work as a result.  I don't know the extent of what the offender posted, as I don't frequent the site in question, though it sounds as if they went past the point of sharing a properly cited source to copyright infringement.  You're right that a lawyer could be consulted for that, though I'd hope an innocently intended act like this would be dealt with according to board rules rather than through legal channels.

The work of a moderator/administrator can be tough.  It is understandable that they would suspend suspected offenders while investigating a claim, though I agree with your remarks to them that itis inconsiderate to do so without contacting those they suspend.  So long as they reinstate or contact the suspected offender in a reasonable time frame, even an innocent party should be able to understand that they are just trying to maintain their board's rules.  Hopefully you are restored to their board soon, though that's up to them and their rules.

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2010, 10:37:47 AM »
I took those pictures because I promissed gary to do so , they was taken only for amusemet purpose
I could never believe that those pictures should attract that much attention , if I had an idea about that I would have taken more and better pictures as they had been used in a serious attempt to make an translation of the writing .
lots of others also seem to have had an serious interest in the pictures .

I got an explenation and an appologize , so for me that part is over .

anyone here can copy and save them for their own use , for example if you want to enlarge them and study them more careful . but not spread them all over the internet without my permission .
the only one who can do that except me is Gary , it was for him the pictures was taken .

someone mentioned that sword site earlier and wrote that they discussed the mörkö cannon .
as Im not a member there I wasnt alloved to post there so I wrote to the owner of the forum and asked him if he could post a link to gbo cannon site to let the guys who was interested see the pictures .


after that I didnt care any more
Dan Pettersson
a swedish cannon maniac
interested in early bronze guns

better safe than sorry

Offline Double D

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2010, 02:28:42 PM »
I have restored the pictures back in the threads.  I have removed the link to the album of Dan's picture.  Anyone wishing to see the pictures just ask I will provide you with a link.  You may only look at the pictures you may not copy or use them with out Dan's permission.

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2010, 09:33:13 AM »
Okay folks,  with the cooperation of Moderator on other board this issue is resolved.  

Gary and Dan if you wish to post over on the other board, that is your decision.   If you do you will have to register and follow the rules of that board.

The Moderator over there has chosen not to post a link to the  post here due to the ads her. "I just could not bring myself to place a link to a site that completely fills 1280 x 1024 with advertisements on page load."

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2010, 11:44:17 AM »
"I just could not bring myself to place a link to a site that completely fills 1280 x 1024 with advertisements on page load."

Must be some kind of socialist employee who knows what is best for everyone else.  Can't trust the ordinary web surfer to make his own decision.
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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2010, 11:49:46 AM »
yeah , after that reply I didnt care any more about that website , I offered to help the members there with a link so they would be able to see some high resolution pictures , but the owner/admin or whatever wasnt interested
Dan Pettersson
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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2010, 12:34:41 PM »

He told me he suggested that you  send him a user name and he would register you.

He also said he passed your email message to the moderator who handled that particular subject mater.

His statement "I just could not bring myself to place a link to a site that completely fills 1280 x 1024 with advertisements on page load." was refering to the Chevy pop up ad which many of us also complained about.

If some one sent me an email with a link suggesting I post it for them and they weren't a member of our group, I might respond in a similar fashion...I would suggest that they join our group and post the link themselves.  I do not think his response was antagonistic, he just has a bit of a stiff writing manner. More like a scholar or professor or something similar.   Not every one is as warm and cuddly as I am.

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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2010, 01:00:45 PM »
Sure Cuddles......and pigs fly too ::)
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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2010, 01:32:46 PM »
More like a scholar or professor or something similar.

Could be.  Same detached from reality types.  Must not watch TV either if he is so upset about advertising.
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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2010, 01:59:12 PM »
swords isnt in my field of interest , so I couldnt see any reason to join
I just tried to help the guys over there to get access to the pictures
but if he aint interested to help his own members , why should I care ??


if we ever meet I got to remember that so I always stay at least 15 feet from you  ;D
I love to cuddle dd , but sorry you are the wrong sex  ;D
Dan Pettersson
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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2010, 03:49:48 PM »
I've been a member at that site .......

I have found myself flying my Zero AM6 4 airplane tonight and I'm bored , I may decide to roll her over and crash dive down her stack . Maybe not tonight , but soon .

wish me luck .


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Re: Morko pictures-copyrighted material
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2010, 05:36:12 AM »
Folks, I am sorry I have to bring this up again, but I must reminded you.

 GBO Copyright Notices


All content here at Graybeard Outdoors (herein as GBO) is copyrighted material, no reproduction or display of the material located at GBO can be used with out the written consent of the copyright holder. Material posted by the GBO Administrators is copyrighted Graybeard Outdoors Enterprises unless otherwise noted. All content posted by members and/or moderators is copyrighted by that member or moderator.

All posts to the GBO forums are considered "Intellectual Property", this is copyrighted material and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or part to be displayed unless on the GBO web site without the original authors permission.

There is a second element to this.

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Graybeard Outdoors and its Administrators reserve the right to refuse access to the Graybeard Outdoors websites to anyone without explanation. GBO in agreement with its members displays its members copyrighted "Intellectual Property" for display in an open forum like  manner on the Graybeard Outdoors websites and other GBO publications. The GBO website is privately owned and operated by Graybeard Outdoors Enterprises. By your continued use of the GBO website you AGREE TO and ACCEPT the following terms of use as outlined below.

The use or posting of copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have prior consent is not allowed. Anyone doing so is subject to removal from the GBO website for a length of time to be determined by the GBO Administration

Just as the material you post here is your intellectual property, the material others post elsewhere on the internet is their intellectual property and is fully protected.  

It is common and acceptable practice to quote the works of others.  The quote must include full accreditation and source. But generally you should have permission of the copyright holder to do this.

For full and complete details on the law on this subject,  I suggest you contact a Copyright Attorney.

The practice of copying the link to a photo and posting it here will no longer be allowed unless it is quoted and fully accredited.  Fully accredited means Owners name, title of work and location of the work.