fl.hillbilly, welcome to the dark side. I think the first thing you need to do is find out which eye is dominant. I'd suspect it's the left but you should know for sure. Get a friend to stand about 6' in front of you, extend your arms, & with palms toward your friend & form a triangle with your hands, then look at your friend through the triangle. whichever eye he sees is your dominant eye.
With a bow it's a lot easier to learn to shoot well with the same hand as your dominant eye. A rifle can be shot either way by adjusting your head, it's a bit uncomfortable, but I've seen it done. With a bow it's way easier to use the same hand as your eye.
Then I'd see if I had any friends who shoot & see if they'd let me shoot some of their bows. If you have a club nearby that'd be a great place to start.
Don't try to get a bow too heavy to start with, a 40lb bow would be plenty to start with. When you can dominate that bow you can go up in weight. A bow too heavy will almost guarantee you will develop bad habits, habits that will be really hard to overcome. This may be a lot to throw at you at one whack, if you can try different bows that'd really help you decide. Good luck, & keep us informed of your progress. Traditional bows are a lot of fun.
Enjoy, Frank