Because this site has grown so large, Greybeard faces a monumental task in keeping it a smooth running site - the software flowing as it should and providing the high quality user friendly features of GBO. He needs every members help on a project right now to accomplish just that.
The PM (Private Mail) feature gets bogged down and overloaded with old messages that require him to spend endless hours going in and deleting them one at a time. Not one or two, but thousands of them, especially ones concerning Classifieds that are long since completed. We can really help him out by going to each of our own PM boxes and deleting all the ones that we no longer need – items that are completed, topics long dead, messages that we really just don’t need sitting on the system anymore. And its much easier for us to do than for GB – by simply checking the boxes of no longer needed ones on the right, they can be deleted all at once from a given “box” by then hitting the “Delete Marked” button on the lower right. You’ll have to do this for each box that holds your messages - Inbox, Sentbox and Savebox. Don’t do the Outbox – it holds messages that you’ve sent that have not been picked up yet by the person you sent it to. PM’s left unchecked will remain on the site and in your boxes. Taking a few minutes to do this will be greatly appreciated by the GBO Admin, and will go a long ways towards keeping the site flowing smoothly, and give GB more time to enjoy the outdoor experience with the rest of us instead of slaving over the computer.
BTW, editing your old completed Classified Ads (add DELETE to subject line) would also allow Admin to remove them from the system and be a big help.
Please do not reply to this post – instead, use that time and effort to clean up your PM and Classifieds files.
Thank you for your help with this, and all your efforts to make GBO what it is. Best wishes for you and your families this holiday season.