Things are looking up and we are hoping to upset her apple cart. Joe Miller has come on pretty strong in the last week, and really moved up in the polls. We are trying to get the Tea Party to concentrate on Anchorage. Here in Fairbanks Joe is way ahead. Lisa is considered a RINO, and we don't like her. Her Daddy appointed her to fill his position in the US Senate. Then when his term was up no other republicans would run against her in the primary. I think her Daddy orcastrated that. Then in the General Election we were faced with her or Tony Knowles. And after eight years of dirty tricks and rolling over to the Feds by Knowles we had our fill of him so Lisa was elected overwhealmingly. Now it's time for her to go. She does have a small segment here in Fairbanks in her corner. She did grow up here, and attended the same Catholic school Sky attended in Fairbanks. She graduated from there and comes back and attends several fund raisers for the school each year. So many of her classmates are still true to her, reguardless of her record, but they are a very small minority.
On a differant note. Many of us was expecting Uncle Ted to retake his senate seat from Begich in four years. Yes Ted Stevens was too old, we knew it and so did he. What we expected was after everything settled down he would retire and let the Governor appoint someone to take his place. And knowing him, he would have pointed out the person he felt could do the best job for the state. That plane crash was a real shock to us. He was known as the king of PORK, but he brought this state out of the poverty level, and from being 25 to 30 years behind the rest of the states into the modern world. As a territory Alaska had been ignored. The federal Government ruled with and iron hand, and very little revanue. During statehood the Feds made lots of promises, but nothing ever came if it till Uncle Ted got into office. Since the Feds would not live up to their promises, he was able to slid the funds out anyway to get some of the projects completed. While the Feds was building Interstates all over the lower 48, we got one highway. Actually they just joined two already existing roads, and called it a new highway.