MGMORDEN, you are correct. The country was founded by educated people. One big difference, they still had common sense. It's absent in most dept.'s of government now days. It's not the blue collar worker that has put this county into the mess it's in now. It's the college educated,no common sense person that has put us where it's at. Lets ban everything to make the world safe. Tell that to the gang bangers on the street when they beat you death with a lead pipe. Oops, sorry, the lead pipe has been replaced by PVC.
At least 1/2, if not more of the federal govt. should be fired, and put into the private sector. Let them go to work for a company that has to live within it's means. It's obvious that the Fed's have no concept of this. Let's keep hiring, and funding, even thou their how many trillions in debt? How soon is gas rationing going to go into effect, to save the enviroment. Don't worry, the fed's will put food on your table, no need for you to own a car to go to the grocery store. Public transportation(that's spelled federally funded!) will take you back and forth to work. Their working on health care now, even thou it doesn't look good for passage, but they'll keep pushing. MGMORDEN, I know I've stepped on your toes before, because you work for the govt. But, you should look where blame belongs. And, it's not on the average working joe, it's on the fed's and big business. And, I'll bet ya, there all run by college boys and girls. gypsyman