If it looks,walks and quacks like a duck....
Let's use common sense here, if he isn't one..everything he has done since taking office, has worked out to the Muslim's advantage..
1) He puts 18,000,000 more mineral rich acres off limits to drilling etc., in our western states.
2) puts moratorium on drilling in the gulf
3) Continues to deny drilling in ANWR
4) Favors mosque construction..above the wishes of 60% to 70% of Americans.
5) Places our troops at a disasterous disadvantage when facing the Islamic enemy (new "rules of engagement").
6) Calls US "not a Christian nation" while shortly after calling the US "one of the largest Muslim nations".
7) Refuses to recognize "Islamic terrorism", preferring to call it "man made disasters".
Has placed the US in a disasterous debt situation, laying burdens upon our children, grandchildren.
9) Is working hard to destroy what is admittedly, the greatest health care system in the world.
10) Through heavy taxes, idiot regulations and unsurity, he has brought our industrial wheels to a virtual halt.
11) He has turned various segments of our society against each other more than any administration in history.
12) He has systematically worked to destroy our Constitution.
13) he has worked to undermine congressional rights by creating beaurocracies and appointing "Czars" to make decisions formerly reserved for congress.
14) Has worked to destroy the morale of our best troops with decisions favoring "gays" in the military and unnecessarily dangerous (for our troops) rules of engagement.
There's 14 points and that is just for starters..ways he aids the muslim efforts and hurts us.