I haven't had a 36 cap and ball for years. When I did (and it was in the 1970's when virtually every model of old time percussion revolver was on the market cheap, I had a Colt Navy Copy and a Remington 1858 copy. I don't think Ruger ever made one in 36, but I may be wrong. At the time I was buying all of my percussion revolvers through the mail, from EMF. The Colts were surprisingly accurate, and pleasant to shoot. A little more difficult to clean than the Remmies. The Remmie was accurate, too. But it had a very noticeable loud bark when fired. At that time, Pyrodex hadn't yet come on the market and I was loading these guns from the flask, with fffg black powder. If I were to get into it again, I'd get the Colt Navy copy. My experience with the Remmie model was that in 36, for some reason the report would leave your ears ringing! I notice that you can now get 000 buckshot in 5 pound bags. I used to buy these from Dixie Gun Works, because that buckshot miked out at .380--just right for a 36 cap and ball, and cheaper than buying a box of swaged round balls with the brand of various component bullet makers who don't need to be named here.