Oil will power the worlds cars for a long long time. Right now oil can be made from algae for about twice the price of drilling, as well as made synthetically from coal at about twice the price. As cars become more plentiful in China, India and third world countries, the demand for oil will increase for gasoline and diesel. So, prices will continue to rise naturally, and when it becomes more economical to make it from algae and coal, it will be. Coal produces about 40% of the nations electricity, natural gas about 25%, hydro power from dammed rivers 10%, nuclear 25%. Working with the natural gas industry, we expect to have 40-50% of the electric production in the next 10-20 years. Why?, because you can build a natural gas power plant in less than 2 years, with no environmental problems to deal with. Nuclear and coal take about 10-20 years to jump through all the environmental hoops. Wind from the plains states will jump from 1-3% right now to about 25% in this same period. I don't like the idea of natural gas taking over coal as the primary electrical provider, because it can be better used in vehicles to cut oil imputs. Problem is, everything must be used, and used wisely to stop imports. Electric vehicles won't be cost effective until cheaper batteries and faster recharging are developed.