Ron Paul might be right overall, but he needs to learn that you combat the worst first. In this case, the worst is the communists (Dumocrats) who are bent on changing this country into something that has never worked and never will.
Besides, I don't think that Glen Beck, nor Sarah Palin would agree with some of the things that they are accused of advocating and they aren't really running anything. They are whipping boys for the liberal media.
Let me get this straight!.........He's right over all. in your op., but he needs to learn! (Now just how in tarnation does that work?) You think it's all the Democrats..."OOPS" I mean Dumocrats fault. You don't suppose the Republdums might be part of the problem?
Glen Beck El Limblow, is nothing more than an over paid entertainer. They say things today, that your crowd wants to hear, and laugh at you, all the way to the bank. If they thought they could make more spewing left wing dribble, they would be on NPR and CNN.
And Sarah P.
Good grief! Let anyone, esp. a woman with good looks, hold a rifle in one hand and the flag in the other run for office and all of a sudden they become presidential material, but let a person with a head full of knowledge,That votes the Constitution and would abolish the Fed, and would stop these money wars both sides of the isle want, and he's KOOK!.........OH! he is sort of right, but a KOOK! And he's old, and just not pretty enough to be president.
In this democratic heaven you are absolutely free,
To cast a vote for Tweedledum or else for Tweedledee.
And if you want some facts to tell you where your vote should go,
Your TV set, and Glenn Beck will tell you all you need to know.