Author Topic: Good to Bad to Better, a Shotgun buying experience!  (Read 577 times)

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Offline RWH24

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Good to Bad to Better, a Shotgun buying experience!
« on: December 04, 2003, 01:56:42 PM »
:eek:  Well Guys and Gals, I did it. I made some calls and found an AS NEW in the box complete Beretta AL 391 Urika for $600.00usd. I drove like a sane male with a mood to buy and arrived at the Pawn Shop. The gun has the Advantage Waterfowl Camo,UGH! Not my first of any choices but, it included the case, all 5 chokes, oil, tools, manuals and THE WARRANTY CARD! The price started out higher but we know each other professionally and 600 was his bottom dollar. I pulled the barrel and it was a little dirty inside, the receiver was clean and free from scratches. Not showing much use. Yes, it went home with me. I cleaned and lubed according to the Beretta manual and took it out last night to BUST a CAP.
        Out of 25 shells it jammed at least 12 times from FTE and double feed. The magazine cutoff kept interupting my shooting all by it's self. "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
        I called the shop owner and explained my plight, he said "I'll make it right, what ever you want to do." Being a good sport I cleaned the gun the morning before work. I had already made an appt for a lesson and fitting at the Elm Fork Shooting Park on Luna Rd in Dallas, The old Winchester Gun Range. The range is a Beretta dist/repair and I wanted the gun to fit right and pick up a few tips. Merry Christmas to me!
I agreed to take the gun with me to the range to get it checked out.
        I went shooting again tonight, 1 box of Rem Hvy Dove, 1 1/8oz #7 1/2's just like last night. 25 rounds in and 25 rounds spit OUT!! Not a bobble. I even shot a box of the Winchester white box 7/8oz #8's from Wally World, 25 in 25 out. MAN oh MAN does that gun eject. It flings them 2 counties over. So far, SO Good, I will clean again tonite, Shoot again Sat or Sun.  :wink:

        Well thanks for reading and posting on my previous questions, I may have a winner.  I will post after this weekend if something changes, then again after the 1 hour lesson and fitting.

Thanks ALL!

Offline RandyWakeman

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Good to Bad to Better, a Shotgun buying exp
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2003, 03:47:19 PM »

Rich Cole, of Cole Gunsmithing, is "the Beretta" guru - - - and is the guy to check with for a few goodies that will improve your 391, if you are "that kind of guy."