At what time in gestation does a human fertilized egg become human.
1) According to evolution, science, etc, (no religion involved) it is at conception for ALL sexually reproducing animals, that the species replecates itself and passes its genes on. A human fertilized egg cannot be anything but human, no other animal.
2) According to the three western religions, new life begins at conception. This is Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
So, according to evolutionary science and religion of 2/3's of the worlds people, abortion is killing a human life whether inside the womb or in a test tube.
So also at 6 weeks, when a woman first finds out she is pg, the baby has brain waves and a heartbeat. At 3-4 months a preme can live outside the womb.
Where do you draw the line, like I said even in European countries late term abortions are illegal, usually after 5 months, because 85% of babies can live outside the womb after 5 months.
We at least need to stop abortions after 5 months. Even common sense dictates that.