YT3, I think that LGM is making the point of how wide the double standard has become in this country. I don't care how many crackers are allowed into a ''black'' college. Or, what kind of course's they teach. Let David Duke stand up and make an announcement, that the KKK is giving grant money to ''white'' college's and ''white'' course's, and lets see if 'ol Jesse J or ''Big'' Al Sharpton can keep their mouth's shut for very long. This govt. has bent over backward for over 50 years to please the black population, it went from being a help you up, to here's your flat screen tv and free health care, that's owed to you, because your great-great-great-great-great grand parents were slaves. The double standard has become wider with the liberal's, because that's what they want. More control over the people, and less freedom. gypsyman