Don't worry the paper will be extra absorbent and by the time these government retards get through with our economy all you will able to use it for is to wipe your butt.
Can't say as I would let it touch my "but"! I am working up a system to tenderize (obama biden in 2012 bumper stickers) for use as kindling.
Alls I can say is if it does happen then it is the beginning of the end of this we knew it!
All I can say is it doesn't matter what administration is running the country , the Republican had it's shot for 8 years and screwed it up, The democrats aren't faring much better. It's all corrupt, keep the money at the top.
trickle down doesn't work. squeeze the middle class (is their is really even such a thing anymore)?
It's all less about working together and doing whats right through compromise and more about partisan politics and stagnating. They all forget who voted them in and who they owe their jobs too (the American people) not special interests and lobbyists. Our Gov't leaders sold out a long time ago.
The only breath of fresh air I have heard recently was Paul Ryan, I may disagree with some of his points of view, but at least he wasn't just saying no, and had actual thoughtful insight and an alternative plan to offer up.