Author Topic: Well crap!!!  (Read 1179 times)

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Offline Slowhanddd

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Well crap!!!
« on: September 18, 2010, 02:46:02 PM »
Just found out I lost my deer spot,or at least my favorite one.The old guy that owns the land signed it over to his son.Son say s sorry no one will be hunting but him and his buddies.Really sucks.It was only about 15 minutes from my house and was always a great place to go.Still have 80 acres to hunt in Harper county,but that's on the market to sell and I can't afford to pay attention.It's produced a couple of nice bucks and always has a ton of does in it.Just had to rant a bit.Besides nothing new has been posted for awhile.Slow
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Offline james

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Re: Well crap!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2010, 07:44:32 PM »
I know the feeling Slow.  I pheasant hunted NW Kansas for about 12 years but most the farms we hunted eventually sold or were leased which ended our fun. I refused to pay for a guided hunt when I had my own dogs and knew the area better than they did.  For the last 20 years I have hunted elk in CO and antelope in WY on public land.
I still miss the great pheasant and quail hunts I had years ago.

Offline prairiedog555

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Re: Well crap!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2010, 08:07:52 AM »
Around here, NE Kansas, it is the damm commercial outfits that are leasing up all the land.  There are at least 4 big outfits in my area. 
They have effectively ruined the outdoor experience for 99.9% of the local folks.  Kids around here don't even have a chance to learn.
I know there are pros and cons to the argument, but whenever one group gets benefits way over the other it is not fair.
I called KDWP to talk to agent and they are all for it, no surprise, makes their job easier, they only have to check in a few spots.
I told him that pretty soon his job would be as risk cuz nobody will buy a licence. 

Offline Slowhanddd

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Re: Well crap!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2010, 03:54:13 PM »
Yes sir your right about the out fitters.I've lost three places to them.None were paid places,but I'll not be a paying leasee.I've always been able to work the hunting off with the land owner.Big money to be made from the outfitters.Can't blame them one bit.Just don't like it though.May hunt in my back yard this year.Going to borrow a trail camera and get a look at the one that's tearing up a tree in my yard.Neighbor behind me says he's a ten point.Seen him in his pasture a couple of times.He tore hell out of a six inch maple tree in the yard.Wife accused me of hitting it with the mower.I had to show her that the mower can't hit it up that high.Slow
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