Author Topic: 38 S&W "lemon squeezer" information needed..  (Read 835 times)

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38 S&W "lemon squeezer" information needed..
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:10:38 PM »
Maybe a forum member can help me out.. I picked up a S&W 38, safety hammerless "lemon squeezer" this weekend, has what I think is a rare 2.5 inch barrel. Serial is 129xxx range. Can anyone confirm the following:

1. Is it indeed a 4th model based on serial # ?
2. Is the 2.5 inch the rare bird I think it is?


Offline cflier

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Re: 38 S&W "lemon squeezer" information needed..
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2010, 03:34:06 PM »
Hello Dave,

It is a fourth model Safety Hammerless.  If it is a factory 2.5 inch barrel it is a scarce barrel length.  The problem is that most non cataloged barrel lengths are after market and not factory installed.  The only way to confirm that it is a factory barrel is to Send $50 to Roy Jinks and get a factory historical letter.  If the letter does not state that it left the factory with a 2.5 inch barrle it is just a cut barreled gun that is worth less than half of the value of a normal cataloged barrel length.  I know of a very few that lettered with that barrel length, but I've seen quite afew more that were gunsmith specials. 